Revolutionary platform Arbitao takes Arbitrage trading to the next level.

Ravi Halai
4 min readJul 30, 2018


Orbitao was the original idea behind Arbitao’s multi-functioning, transformative platform which allows investors to profit through various income streams. Simultaneously, Arbitao hopes to create a bedrock on which to base financial decisions upon, thus ensuring a bright future for all involved.

Arbitrage: taking trading to the next level

Orbitao was based on the concept of financial arbitrage. Arbitrage is a method to extract profits from trading the same instrument on various exchanges. The price spread between different exchanges could potentially be extremely lucrative. However, this has been taken a step further; Arbitaos have announced they are developing multi-tiered arbitrage chains. Conventional arbitrage occurs when investors purchase a particular asset from one exchange offering a more attractive price and at the same time sell the asset on another exchange for a higher price, profiting from the difference in price. The first multi-tiered triangle chain would consist of trades between Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin, but a multidimensional chain solution is in development and would require more trading pairs from which to obtain their data. Additionally, tremendous amounts of power would be required to uncover the most profitable chains.


Mathematical research backs Arbitaos wonderful platform.

It isn’t difficult to witness the level of commitment, both in time and effort that has gone into the planning and implementing Arbitaos. The mathematical aspect takes into consideration the thousands of cryptocurrency pairs that are trading 24 hours a day and numerous exchanges that would list the same pair at a differing price.

Further research was conducted into searching for profitable trading pairs, how to get the optimal exchange rate and coding for an ever-evolving machine learning.

Machine learning plays a vital part in the Arbitaos system. It’s not just the bid and offer prices that are monitored. Liquidity, book orders, slippage, volume are all recorded factors and used as part of calculations. The machine learning goes through the process of clustering the data and then constructing useful trading strategies.

Powering Arbitaos multidimensional chains and solution rooms

In late 2016, the inception of Arbitaos was born from the need of colossal processing power. Being able to visualise, create and establish a multidimensional chain is one aspect of the project, but being able to consistently source the power for its upkeep and secure its network is completely another. As such, the ATAO token, a Proof-of-Stake algorithm based on the NAV blockchain was adopted as the solution. This did inherently carry within itself one of the possible income streams available to investors. Staking allows individuals to use their cryptocurrency to verify transactions and strengthen the network and are periodically rewarded for participating in the staking process. Rewards for staking can climb to up to 7% annually, this seems to be a reasonable incentive just to leave any excess funds in the Arbitao platform.


TAOx is a unique exchange that only interacts with investors holding bitcoin wanting to exchange them for ATAO. These ATAO can then be deposited in to the arbitrage platform to gain daily returns or can be sent to their ATAO wallet for staking.

The total supply of ATAO coins is 800 million, with 200 million plus bonuses being distributed during pre-ICO, 280 million plus bonuses for the main ICO and 480 million on offer during the final coin sale.

The Arbitaos team have been collaborating with most of the well-known cryptocurrency exchanges to maximize profitability and to ensure investors have the best experience with arbitrage trading. This also brings a degree of transparency that instils a level of faith in investors who are hesitant to part with their hard-earned money.

Earning cryptocurrency from the Arbitaos platform.

The Arbitaos team have integrated three methods in which potential investors can expect to profit. The first is the exclusive, multidimensional arbitrage trading which, offers investors a daily return that can vary depending on the amount of initial investment. Funds would be placed in four different trading pools, with the minimum investment of $100 going to the bronze pool. Deposits into the bronze pool are locked in for 240 days and earn 0.5% per day. An investor is able to determine that after 240 days, 120% of the initial investment will be returned. A prepayment of $10,000 or more would immediately be sent to the platinum pool, to be locked in for only 120 days and would earn 0.75% daily.

Another avenue potential investors can explore is staking their excess funds. Those choosing to leave their surplus digital currency in the ATAO wallet can earn even more cryptocurrency. As Arbitaos meets milestones, users can expect to see better functionality with cloud computing being the first addition. Cloud computing will feed back into Arbitaos solution rooms which in turn would lead to better financial decision and aid in stabilising the entire cryptocurrency market.

Investors can capitalise through inviting their family and friends even if they aren’t unable to directly invest themselves. The affiliate program entitles the original investor at least 18% of whatever is invested from those that join. There are three levels of incentives offered, making earning potential, from introducing acquaintances, a worthwhile cause to pursue.

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