When My Talk With My Father Completely Changed Our Relationship — Let’s Learn

Most of the time, I reacted defensively, explaining myself, and we ended up in a tense exchange. But that’s changed now…



son father argue
Image by 👀 Mabel Amber, who will one day from Pixabay

Let me start with my personal story first so that you can relate to it.

My Story

The same sting of frustration…

A few years ago, I was having a conversation with my father. It wasn’t anything out of the ordinary — just a casual visit, like many before. But, as usual, the same pattern played out —

He made a remark about my career, questioning my choices, and I immediately felt that familiar sting of frustration. I reacted, defensively explaining myself, and we ended up in a tense exchange.

This had happened so many times before, and every time, I left feeling drained, wondering why we couldn’t just have a normal, peaceful conversation!

Then I did something different…

But one day, I decided to try something different. I went to visit him again, but this time, I made a




Accomplished Author of 30+ Bestsellers, Founder & CEO of IoT Meeting Hub™,Passionate about Assisting Personal Growth & Empowering Others.