Poetry Writing Prompts — September 2016

Ravi Shankar
1 min readSep 12, 2016


The best writers say that you should write every day. No matter how badly you think you are writing at a specific moment, or how much ‘writer’s block’ you are suffering, it is beneficial to every writer to hone their craft through sitting down, even just for ten minutes a day, and putting words on paper. Therefore, I have written below a collection of writing prompts to help poets achieve this goal.

  1. Take a moment, look around, and write down the first 7 objects you see. Write a poem that includes these objects.
  2. Write a poem describing a run-down coffeeshop in your favorite city.
  3. Write a poem about the loneliest man in the world, and juxtapose it with a poem about the most popular man in the world.
  4. Write a poem about something that makes you livid.
  5. Write a poem about the most recent email you received.

There you have it! Check back next month for more poetry writing prompts!



Ravi Shankar

Ravi Shankar is an Indian-American poet. He is the founder of Drunken Boat and held roles as a professor at numerous colleges. http://ravishankarpoet.com