How to attempt the IBPS PO EXAM to score high?

Ravi Sharma
3 min readSep 3, 2020

To qualify banking exams, it is important to first be familiar with their exam patterns in order to understand the nature and difficulty levels of the asked questions. Recently, IBPS has given a complete make-over to their exam patterns. The changed pattern has confused many students. It was moreover a roller-coaster ride which provided many twists and turns to the students. In the examination hall, aspirants are already nervous and the sight of unexpectedly designed question paper will further intimidate them. It can make them lose their calm and might ruin their selection prospects and finally hope to get a job in a Nationalized Bank.

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Let us discuss some significant tips that must be followed in attempting the IBPS PO exam.

1. To understand the strategy and guidelines correctly

Before solving the question paper, it is very significant to read and understand the prescribed directions correctly. You might be puzzled by the sight of the number of new pattern questions. So, there might be possibilities that you might lose marks, even if you solve a good number of questions. It is because you have attempted them accurately but as per wrongly read directions. Therefore, be cautious and vigilant in reading directions and guidelines, before attempting the question paper.

2. Stay relaxed and calm

At first, the new exam pattern with a set of innovative questions might look alarming to you. You might feel apprehensive and scared but it’s important to stay cool and relax. When you are provided with a question paper, keep in mind that it’s not difficult for you but to other students also who are attempting this exam. Consequently, always be sure that you are not inferior to other students and so calm your nerves and deliver your best efforts.

3. To limelight accuracy and evade guess work

At times, aspirant confuses competitive exams with academic exams and tries solving all the questions in the question paper, without knowing its consequence. The candidates should note cautiously that there is negative marking in the exams and the abridgment of wrong answers can ruin the result of correct answers, resulting in failure. Thus, the students must highlight more on accuracy and avoid guess work while answering the questions or else they might lose a chance to get a Government job.

4. Don’t be terrified by complex looking questions

As you are contending in a highly competitive exam that has a million other candidates, you must be emotionally prepared to face a set of complicated and problematic questions. It is practiced that many students have the habit to skip the questions that are rationally long or unexpectedly designed or include diagrams or graphs. It is prudent that you must not be startled by the sight of these questions as they are cleverly designed and demands your theoretical knowledge. So, before skipping these questions, read them vigilantly as they might be easier to solve, if you apply basics and concepts properly else you can join any online or offline IBPS PO coaching in Chennai.

5. Apply a perfect strategy to solve questions

To counteract and triumph the exam, students are advised to attempt easier questions first. This implies to the questions which are related to topics in which you have strong command. Please do not attempt questions randomly. After successfully answering easier questions, do move to moderate looking questions and finally to tougher ones, if you have time-space of attempting them effectively. The questions with prolonged and complicated calculations should be attempted last, as they consume more time. Do revise the entire question paper and avoid guess work as it may result in negative marking. This is a perfect strategy for solving questions on the exam day. It will not only save your precious time but will also raise your morale and speed of answering questions accurately.

IBPS PO Exam is an avenue of a bright career in the Indian banking sector. Do attempt it seriously by following the above-mentioned tips to score high in the exam.

All the Best!!!

Author Bio: This content is prepared and published from IBT Chennai: India’s best coaching institute for bank exams under highly experienced faculty.

