5 Lessons I learned from helping a top UK Business Coach Improve his social customer service

Ravi Shukle
6 min readJul 8, 2016


Here are the 5 Lessons I learned from helping one of the UK’s top Business Coaches (Peter Sage) Improve his social customer service as well develop an Engaging and Passionate Social Following in Just 3 Months — Spending Less than 2 Hours per Day with ZERO Ad Budget.

The most common problem faced by businesses using social media is that they have a presence on far too many social channels without realizing its purpose or how they can use it to grow their business or talk to their customers.

This also applies to business owners who may have set up a social network but now no longer have the time to run and manage it effectively or pay attention to their social customer service.

My story begins when I began to notice similar signs when discussing Peter’s social media strategy with him.

As a motivational speaker and world leading business coach he had great potential to engage his customers on social media but needed help to define the exact strategy and deliver 5 star social customer service his customers could rely on.

After our conversation and learning more about Peter as a person and his core goals for his business I began to create a social strategy to help him achieve the return he was looking for.

This involved tailoring his content strategy to appeal to his target market as well as putting systems in place to handle his social customer service seamlessly.

This would allow Peter to easily monitor what his customers as well as competitors were saying about his business and allow him to respond accordingly without wasting precious time each day searching for key words or scrolling through social feeds.

In this post I’m going to share the 5 things I learnt from managing Peter’s social channels that you can implement today to help streamline your social customer service and boost engagement on social media.

5 Lessons I learned from helping a top UK Business Coach Improve his social customer service

Lesson 1 — Your story is the key to success

While your products and services help to bring in the sales the real investment your customers are making is in you as an individual or the person/team behind the business.

Therefore you must ensure you showcase your personality through your social channels and don’t be afraid to share your point of view.

While this may scare of a few fans what you’ll end up finding is in return you will attract those who resonate with your message and as a result with show a much higher level of loyalty.

Lesson 2 — Quality over Quantity

There are a lot of posts out there that suggest the golden time to post or the perfect frequency I’m afraid none of these are true. In fact it’s more about the message in the post then the number of times you share it.

That is why to increase your engagement you want to ensure your message resonates with your audience and offers them something of value in return.

Adding rich media to the posts such as video, live video, 360 photos or even selfies are great ways to grab your fans attention but it’s the story behind it that’s really going to spark the conversation. See an example in the image below on I used this tactic to help achieve nearly 1,800 likes and 284 shares on a single post.

Lesson 3 — Your customers are worth more than money

Let me explain now I understand the purpose of business is to make a profit. However when it comes to your social media strategy pushing for sales too often can lead to your fans loosing trust or worse losing interest.

To prevent this from happening you must appreciate their worth more than just a person that sends a financial transaction your way.

With Peter I was able to craft value by sharing inspirational stories and advice to help his motivate his community.

Once you’ve demonstrated the value upfront then there is no question you can go for the sale as the trust is now there. As a rule you can aim for 60% value driven, 20% entertainment, 20% sales.

Lesson 4 — Be in the moment

Now this may sound obvious but with social conversations moving so quickly it can be hard to keep up and one way around this is to schedule content.

While there is nothing wrong with planning your content ahead of time you must leave space to engage in real time when comments do come in. Don’t let your personality come off as robotic.

To combat this keep an eye on the times you have scheduled your content and ensure you are there to engage when comments come through. Also with the update of live video it makes it easier to connect with your fans in real time — it’s time to get in front of the camera and not behind it.

Lesson 5 — Empathy = Customer Loyalty

Let’s keep things real — you can’t please everybody and that includes your customers. So that means on your social channels you can’t win everyone over no matter how good the content or the message. However one thing you can do is prevent the situation from getting worse.

The key to achieve this is empathy. So taking that extra bit of time to realize where the fan is coming from and understanding their unique situation. This will put you in a much better place to respond and help to resolve their issue.

One thing you will find is that the fan isn’t angry at you but the situation — so look at ways you can make their situation right without comprising their experience.

That’s going to sum up my 5 key tips learnt from managing Peter Sage’s social channels.

Before I started managing the process for Peter he used to find it a challenge to keep up with the constant conversations with his customers and content across all his social channels.

and here is what he had to say today…

“By using Ravi’s help I was able to put in place a social strategy that helped me not only plan out all my content in advance but linked my activities to help drive results. I am now able to drive consistent engagement across all my social channels and more importantly provide customer service through social media my fans can rely on. This has meant I can now focus on building better relationships with my customers online while my content reaches the right audiences and drives results”

It’s crucial that you have the correct systems in place to monitor your customer conversations and streamline support on social so it does not come across robotic but still shows empathy and understanding.

I hope these tips can also help you to build a more engaged and loyal community on social media. As well as come across as a business who prides itself on its social customer service.

Do you need help implementing these tips into your business?

If you would like me to show you step by step how to apply these strategies into your business let’s schedule a free 30min walk through

Get started with your FREE 30 min strategy session today!

About Author: Ravi Shukle is a social media and online customer service expert. He loves to help businesses create life long customers by showing them how they can use social media to create 5 star service.

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Click here to get instant access to his FREE Private Facebook community 5 Star Heroes. Giving you daily tips and strategies on how to deliver 5 star customer service online.

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Ravi Shukle

Social Media Strategist.Helping your business grow using Social Media. Access my FREE Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/TheBusinessOfSocialMedia