Sports and the State

Ravi Kiran
5 min readDec 31, 2016


As the Olympics year comes to an end, we see yet another controversy relating to sports and politics. Former IOA chief and CWG corruption scandal-tainted Suresh Kalmadi has been appointed as a lifetime president of IOA. One side of the argument is that IOA is an independent body and it has every right to appoint whoever they want. Also, if the govt intervenes or seem to intervene, the international body has every right to suspend IOA like they did in 2014. The other side of the argument, though, is that, why should a person who siphoned off taxpayers’ money get to enjoy this honour. Both are valid arguments. So where does the solution lie?

The answer to this problem involves simply giving true independence to sports federations i.e. financial independence. This can be easily achieved by scraping sports ministry and thereby sports budget. So that the taxpayer need not worry about misuse of his contribution and the sports bodies can keep all the independence they want.

The immediate question is what happens to sports in India without the governmental assistance?

This question assumes two things: That sports in India currently are thriving and that the sports bodies which are neglected by the govt are doing poorly. Actually, opposite is true. Everyone knows that the most successful sports body in India, the BCCI, doesn’t take a single penny from the government. In fact, BCCI funds the government. Last year, the state forcibly collected a total of 2140 crore in tax from the BCCI(for the last 10 year period). To put things in perspective, the annual sports budget in India is around 1600 crores. Which means the BCCI singlehandedly financed sports in India for a whole year and even possibly helped plug Air India losses for a couple of quarters. Ironically, Ajay Maken, in a bid to get control over it, invited the BCCI in 2013 to apply for national federation status, a recognition that’s been traditionally bestowed on sports federations associated with Olympics. This privilege lets you get financial assistance from the sports ministry but wants you to be RTI compliant. BCCI unsurprisingly said, “no thanks” to this dubious offer.

It’s a blessing in disguise that cricket is not associated with Olympics. As a result, instead of depending on government’s largesse, they innovated and turned it into a hugely profitable organization/sport. The BCCI not only transformed cricket but by being an example in how to market sports in general, they are helping other sports rediscover their glory. The IPL helped create an environment for similar leagues for other sports. The insipid national games are now being slowly replaced by exciting leagues like Pro Kabbadi, ISL etc. And how did we reward BCCI? By making them stand in the court of law to explain their success. As if to say, you can’t possibly earn a profit in this socialist country, you must be doing something criminal.

One can go and on about BCCI. Its success is so glaringly evident that one can’t possibly miss it unless one decided not to see. So let us now turn our attention to a Olympic sport which has seen tremendous success in the recent years.

Today, India is a badminton nation. With Sindhu’s silver medal effort at Rio, the popularity of the sport peaked. But this is not a flash-in-the-pan moment. Indian Badminton had seen success at the last two Olympics before this one. In Beijing 2008, Saina made it to the quarters. In London 2012, she won the bronze. Now in Rio, Sindhu brought home the silver. Not just at the Olympics, but India has been doing consistently well on the World badminton tours. One can’t praise enough the great work done Pullela Gopichand, but there is a story that many missed — that is, how the badminton association of India came out of the shadow of sports ministry politics and stood on their own.

Badminton Association of India (BAI) doesn’t need to follow the government guidelines because like BCCI, we are financially self-sufficient and we can run the international calendar without taking a single rupee from the government in future”

-Verma, BAI’s president, back in 2010.

The back story was that the then sports minister MS Gill tried to get control of various sports federations by taking on long serving officials of respective feds. So the ministry introduced a rule prescribing a limit to the number of years one can serve as president of a sports body. This rule invalidated the candidature of incumbent president Verma to contest elections that were due that year. The Sports ministry propped up former cricketer and then congress MP, Mohammad Azharuddin’s candidature. But BAI turned a deaf ear to the ministry, and re-elected Verma. However, the sports ministry’s reply to BAI’s threat of financial independence is a lesson for anyone who thinks sports should be run by the government

“… even if BAI were to be become financially independent, it does not mean that it could treat government as an outsider as sports is a public good and sports development is a public service and therefore, no sports federation can claim that it can act as a private body without public accountability,” Joint Secretary (Sports) Injeti Srinivas stated in a letter to Verma.

Ladies and Gentlemen, this is how you kill not just sport but just about anything. By making it a public good, and letting it open to bureaucratic and political meddling. Incidentally, it was MS Gill who asked Gopichand “Aap Kaun?” in full media glare when he and Saina went to meet the minister, after Saina had reached the quarters at the Beijing Olympics(2008).

Now we have our PM setting up a task force with full of these no-skin-in-the-game babus and politicians to focus on next 3 Olympics. What could possibly go wrong?

To understand where we are going wrong, we have to go back to asking the question: why do we value sports so much? As one Thomas Bowden puts it, “The essential value of spectator sports lies in their capacity to illustrate, in a dramatic way, the process of human goal-achievement. They do this by making the process shorter, simpler, and more visually exciting than it is in daily life.” It is vital human need. The need to experience success. When we see athletes showcase their mental and physical skills to a level of perfection against all the odds, it refuels us to fight our own life’s battles. By giving us heroes to admire, sports become an integral part of us and not just an isolated event. Such a thing if properly marketed should be demanding money not begging for assistance.

1984 Los Angeles Olympics stands testament to this fact. Marketed in such a way that private funding poured in and they didn’t need to beg for govt assistance. To this date the games of 1984 remains the most profitable olympics in the history.

How did they do it? They invoked national spirit without necessarily invoking national spending. A year before the games, addressing the congress, then US President, Reagan said

“Next year’s games will show the world what Americans without government subsidy can accomplish”

