Observation of Grade 2 Hands on Science session :)

5 min readNov 28, 2017


Welcome Class 2!

I was just setting up the camera when I was introduced to the children! Hi guys! I am here! Some probably look confused because there was my another person to my left.

Demo Time! Manish Jain, CLI Project Coordinator showing the sprinkler :)
The curious mind

A child tinkering with lab printer!

The joy of discovering something fascinating and interesting! This is what the toys do to us!

Touching slate — The favorite of all !

The scissor distribution time!

The flute making time! Pankaj showing how to divide straws in unequal part.

Children taking approximation and cutting straws in two unequal parts! Everyone started shouting — like this, like this like this like this! Teacher appreciated that everyone is taking good approximation!

The v cut time! This child is readily seeking help from her peers when she was unable to understand how to make a v cut. She looks so focused! In background, you can see the smile on face once you do something yourself!

Blowing air at each other ! Children teach us we should always have fun even while working :)

Another example of careful observation!

This is interesting. This child was blowing air inside the glass of water, forming circular ripples and splashing water. No one showed him to do so. The pleasure of tinkering!

He wanted to show me after his flute started to work! Say cheese!

The challenge being a facilitator ! You are surrounded :)

The joy of making!

We learn from self in company of others

The next activity started, but she was busy making groves for flute in the back! So hands on are not always fun! It gives children opportunity to concentrate and struggle. She is investing effort in this because she knows it’s worth it!

The saturn rings and the wow factor.

They tried to explain it! Came up with their own theories and even collectively told to turn the motor off to verify their claim. Children are born scientist. It is when we grow up, the curiosity within us goes to sleep :(

He quickly took that spinner lying on the right and played with it and quickly turned back to listen to the instruction to further do the activity!

The reflection time!
Can you find the difference between the above two pics ?

Trying to find out what’s inside !

Newspaper cap time, some are still trying to make their basuri!

The cap is ready!

Some children find better ways to use the paper. Probably making paper balls and throwing is more fun than making paper caps! Aww…you are caught throwing that :)

During the activity, the instructions were given step by step. I was wondering what would have had happened if children were told to design their own caps? How would that experience be different from this one?

I also realized that captivating children’s attention for long time to focus on the explanation just after demo/making is hard to do. Probably going to class and reflecting on the experiences afterwards maybe will turn out to be more useful.

I also learned couple of tips of facilitation during the session. Special thanks to children and teachers for teaching me these.

  1. When you want all children to be seated back in the circle?

Count loudly and slowing 5 4 3 2 1 and request children to again form circle. Then start counting backward in mind from 15 to 1.

2. When you want all children’s attention?

Request them to raise both hands and make a butterfly. Its fun way to get everyone’s attention ,hmm..at least for few seconds .

I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed capturing emotions and being there experiencing the session. I am really thankful to both CLI team and RiverSide school for making this experience enriching for me!




Tinker Potter Play | I am passionate about designing experiences which can make learning more joyous for children.