A Blockchain Startup Building on AI to Change Everyday Lives

Ravn The Invisible Chat App
2 min readMay 18, 2018


Kudos + Ravn

As of May 18, 2018, the Ravn App was recognized as one of three startups building on artificial intelligence (AI) that are anticipated to “change our everyday lives” and is “not your average messenger app”.

This makes Ravn feel satisfied knowing that that the unlimited scope of possibilities are being comprehended by those who can see the potential positives of this important progress for both our personal lives and in business.

Leaning on AI is also a wise and modern arrangement since it combines the best of human input to create intelligent machines that aren’t subject to getting sleepy or having an off day. Once more, humans maintain AI and do what it takes to keep them serving our fast and secure digital needs. It’s a win-win way to operate in the contemporary world.

Privacy and security in our life is of the utmost important to the founders of Ravn. Other messaging apps that can claim privacy and encryption still manage to collect much of your personal information including your name or your email or your phone number and in some cases, all of the above. That means if your messages are viewed by another, either accidentally or intentionally, they are undeniably linked to you.

Ravn is being recognized as a game changer since it truly is the first messaging app to offer military grade security, ease of use, invisibility on your phone if you choose and it is anonymous and doesn’t collect data. Beyond this incomparable messaging app offering, the benefits of its foundation extend to security in doing business within the expansive yet highly private ecosystem it will envelop. Even though Ravn is about quiet, private, invisibleness, it’s nice to be recognized for our innovation and efforts.

