9 Reasons to Quit Your Job

Lessons I learned in Human Resources


2017 got trashy real quick. Through the dump site that was my life, I managed to piece together some of my journal entries during the last few months of my job as a Human Resources Supervisor.

What follows is disappointment…

June 6

I interviewed possible candidates for our front desk position at work. It’s true what they say, “personality matters.” You can know all the right things to say, but if you’re boring, you’re not worth working with.

June 7

I hate interviews. I hate waiting for other people even more. The odd thing is I’m the one who’s always late. I’m needy and impossible, but I treat it as a rare quality.

June 9

I’m back. At work. Done with late shifts. Its official: I still don’t give a shit.

June 10

It seems like the more management cares for employees (or “team members” as we were told to call them), the more team members feel entitled when asked about their opinions. Manager consensus is one thing, but when subordinates get involved, all of a sudden everyone knows more than you do. Nobody knows what they want.

I hate working in HR because it’s too much of a sit down job. It’s boring and I hate that “kind” of responsibility. I want to be creative, but I haven’t figured out how to make a living. Guess I’m not much of a problem-solver after all, huh? What’s HR even about anyways???

June 11

On my breaks I fell asleep. On lunch, I fell asleep. I went home and fell asleep the whole night. WHY DO I KEEP WAKING UP AT MY DESK!?!

June 14

Is it weird that the first thing I think about in the morning is whether or not I’ll have the energy to work out when I get home from work? I’m thinking about investing money in some pre-work out to get me pumped for my late night work-outs. I’m just afraid I’ll be more tired in the morning…in which case I’ll just end up taking more pre-work out. I think I may have an addictive personality.

Note to self: Consider taking up smoking again.

June 15

Amira Kurosawa was a master of color.

Note to reader: Don’t know what this entry was about. I just thought it’d be helpful to somebody.

June 19

A part of being a responsible adult means doing things by yourself. A couple of days ago, I received an email inviting me to a second interview. Almost instantly, I knew it was time for a haircut.

I gradually accept that long hair is a definite no-no as I get older. The more my hair grows out, the less I look like a Rawnald and more like a Pedro or Pablo. VOTE FOR ME!

June 21

I worry constantly. I worry that I might be depressed for no reason. Worse. I worry that I might be unemployable, forever working in the realm of HUMAN RESOURCES.

CLAP! to make me dance ;)



A Blog About the Painfully Obvious

Content Writer on the hidden creativity of running a business: Leadership, Sales Theory, Development, Marketing and occasional humorist