Achieve Success with Quick and Easy Goal Setting

Take Positive Steps Towards Your Goals

Roz Andrews
Small Steps


Photo by Cathryn Lavery on Unsplash

Do you feel as if you’re drifting through life without ever achieving anything?

Do you often make excuses for not taking positive steps towards a long-term goal?

If so, try taking these eight small steps to setting and achieving monthly goals in all areas of your life. You’ll need just one hour a month.

1. Choose Your Tools

If you like to write down your goals, buy a hardback notebook or journal for this purpose.

If you prefer to use a laptop or smartphone, create a new folder for your goals.

2. Set Monthly Goals

During the last weekend of every month, set aside one hour to write down your goals for the next month.

Write “Work Goals” at the top of a blank page, then list all the things you’d like to achieve at work in the coming month. If you run your own business, write down your business goals.

Just jot down the goals as they come into your head without putting them into any particular order at this point.

Once you’ve finished writing your work goals, put the heading “Personal Goals” at the top of another page and…



Roz Andrews
Small Steps

Writer, book editor, proofreader & founder of and, moving forward in life, one small step at a time.