Pitch Deck

Raxx City
10 min readAug 5, 2018


Personal Story

While I was visiting Paris while recording my album I had my luggage stolen including all of my recently purchased limited edition clothing and brand new Buscemi 100mm sneakers. I had been planning on wearing the sneakers in my music video shoot and live performances as an artist on stage swag is very important. I felt my heart drop down to my feet when I realized I had been robbed of all of my clothes and priceless shoes were gone and there was nothing I could do about it. I wished I could turn on my iPhone and open a beacon to locate my bag and Buscemi sneakers and all of the color coordinated gear I bought specifically to match the bright “Orange & Gold buckle” colors.

I would have been able to locate my shoes like I can locate my iPhone that would remove this thick grey cloud of fashion depression that was washing over me. I could recover my specialty size “13” last pair of Buscemi sneakers that I bought specifically for this trip and tragically never got a chance to wear. I have nightmares about someone else wearing my swag shoes and I wake up in sweats thinking about going out and psychically tracking down the wearer of my shoes! I know that this is a long shot but there were only one pair left in my size and all the other options on Ebay are either not my size or not the same color or style…

See I would have been able to recover my shoes MSRP $895 had they have been covered by “Raxx.” I would have purchased fashion insurance for my high end fashion items and they would either a “clear see through sticker” put in the inside of the shoe under the sole with an RFID chip that can be tracked with an in app beacon, or as a “wearable accessory” that dangles off the shoe like “Off White” uses the Red-Orange Tag. What made my Buscemi 100mm sneakers unique is they feature a “tassle & lock” borrowed from “Birkin Bags”.

The melange of High end goods like Hermes and sneaker culture is where Raxx comes in to play in between the blurred lines of couture bespoke and street wear limited edition runs that can go to to toe with the runway prices.

Eventually modeled off of into its own fashion brand marketplace like “Nordstrom Racks” meets Used goods and slightly used premier resell ebay listings. Clearly there is a market for after market goods i.e “After Drop” Paris where I bought an Orange $200 Anti-Social-Social-Club T-Shirt to match my Buscemi 100mm kicks. Somebody is willing to buy my Buscemi sneaks off the streets and my gently used clothes as well just like a ebay reseller, but with Raxx at least I could have been able to Rent some clothes for my Video shoots and performances.

Lets say that I had been able to recover the Buscemi shoes with the beacon app, but the Anti-Social-Social-Club shirt was gone and the Black Diamond T-Shirt that matched my white pants, along with my “PIGALLE” T-Shirt and “Tealer Shorts” I could theoretically use my insuraxx to rent some clothes from a boutique or trade raxx tokens for items with fashion stylists locally.

I know that here in Paris there is some stylists with a huge closet willing to rent some of those clothes from last seasons collection to dress me for a video and my show!!! I just need to find them and contact them by Sunday, its Monday….

The Problem

The Market of fashion and art are in need of a utility that can be used to cover personal items are are not covered by traditional solutions. Using blockchain technology we will have a well documented proofing system that will allow us to provide the need for Gap coverage in fashion and art industry. i.e insure-raxx

Raxx Eco-system provides tokenized luxuary

Buy using the Monetization of the token utility your product can be apart of the blockchain community proofing system that provides real time atrabution giving you the ablity to know what the value of your products all over the world so you can make best what can be use on the market.

Incentivize your following using social media

Convert loyal followers with tokenizable incentives like games, free giveaways, in app unlocks and in app raffles and record these minig proofs through the blockchain. People will happly use there computer power to add value to RaxxCoin Utility token.

Existing solutions are broken or nonexistent.

TATA AIG, PURE, CHUBB, only offer insurance riders that start at least 5,000 for a claim and micro-insurance is non-existant for claims under $3,000. Whereas the urban fashionista may have an extensive sneaker collection worth thousands of dollars yet may be unable to purchase coverage underwritten for couture-bespoke insurance riders. While only 1% of the clients belongings are covered.

The Solution

RAXX Applications gives users the ablity to retain value for there collection with real time stlye points. People will be able to rent others high end products an style for shows, and industry event, movies and use the Insurince of the -Raxx Utility Token that is built on the blockchain using Ethereum smart contracts.

Raxx Utility Token Provides this direct solution.

Users simply purchase the in app token for RAXX apps upload photos of their items to be monetized and rented. Once you have a Raxxcoin utility Token Wallet is setup users can create and curate “looks” as well as make up new ideas from our “Fashion Breeder” functionality. Think of it as a fashion game that can own real world items that can exist virtually and represent authenticity.

This solution is better than existing alternatives.

Blockchain allows metadata to be tracked in real time in my example above I could trace my sneakers using Raxx Stories” a story timeline trackable on-chain. Using The Real world applications of the smart contract gives user the peace of mind that there privacy and the security of there Racks are insured.

Simplicity is incentivized with smart contracts

You no longer have to worry about bespoke couture collections and high end sneaker collections with raxx coin you simply buy insure-raxx bits as color sizes types and create a smart policy of ball of modules as you go!

Using blockchains real time proofing-system industries will know what items are popular in real time.

Example. a jacket that was designed by me in 2005 in Chicago my instagram following can help it gain popularity in china due to a unconventional way the inventory supply imply traded by users who utilize the raxx coin utility token.. Because these item are monetized and recorded in the RAXX Dapp we will have access to the real time Attribution information. Designer Fashion show managers and popular artist can use this information rent these product, have instant access to the use of the products Also industry leaders will will have instant access to the data when styles that are coming popular and can start production on these styles staying ahead of the curve thanks to blockchain realtime proofs and the record keeping of what people are buying interests are is different places in the world.

The Competition

GardeRobeOnlineLLC.com, TATA AIG, PURE, CHUBB are big insurers and they are scrambling to get in front of this thing called blockchain technology. As usual they are too big an slow to capture the pulse of this new exciting market. GOAT & StockX are the kicks and sneaker head go to websites along with ebay & Poshmark.

How it will work

Using ideals form a decentrialized blockchain company utilizing IPFS ENS NFTs with AI-Oraclized in DApp tokenized insurance packets…


an be used to create novel and more efficient forms of insurance. Markets will be created to estimate various insurance event risks. For example, “will this house flood?” This, in effect, crowdsources actuarial work. Analysts may use complex models to automate participation in many markets. A smart contract which buys YES positions in the corresponding markets would be used by the insuree. These contracts would pay out in the case of an insurance event. Our oracle market would be used by claims inspectors to settle such markets. This method of disintermediation could drastically lower costs for insur2es.

Our oracle platform allows everyone to easily integrate new oracles into Gnosis and offer their oracles to the Gnosis community. Since every Ethereum account holder can become an oracle for every event, it becomes very easy to bootstrap prediction markets for every need.

Competitive Advantages

We have incentivized the way people monetize their clothing, using blockchain smart contracts allows the freedom to choose what to insure with raxx tokens that verify the users reputation an authenticate their user history.

Unique Feature

Utility tokens are not considered a security and smart contracts are created with the purchase of a “raxx card” to use within the distributed P2P ecosystem no middle men or underwritting involved (Trustless, transparency, IDreputation).

Decentrialized Technology

The tiny insurance tokens of micro-modules on the blockchain using agile smart contracts (Silos vs public blockchain) Reputation Marketplace.

Leveraging Social Capital with real time attribution decentalized distribution and incentives i.e music, games, fashion and delivery services all available withing the raxx-coin-utility token eco-system.

Reputation Validation & Authentication

To create traction in Raxx we will giving out raxx tokens to early adopters and influencers and insure up to $100 to gain market share and user base wallets at in stores sneaker shops. while build a larger user based in the app more crypto users will be attracted to the Raxx Token To key stylists and Celebs we want to give away 30% of our Tokens to incentivize their participation and encourage user retainment and foster monetization between instagram feed and Celeb/stylists.


We have the MVP wireframe we will use the office space at Consensys to prepare launch our Phase One is launch Raxx DAPP (Android/iPhone), Phase Two Invite Celebs/Stylist to have Racks appraised using (Chronicled) upload Racks on Raxx, Phase Three give them a GOLD RAXX CARD/BLK /Titanium/Gold Members Marketing and Premiums.


​Legal fees (Trademark, Patents), Social Media Marketing Monthly Campaigns, Office/Work live-loft/Crypto Condo (Art House Rental/Real Estate) for Token Generation Event, Fashion Shows, Crowdsale, 3D Printer for Physical Raxx Coin, Wallet RAXX Master CARD, Computers for office, Travel to Switzerland, Paris, Tokyo, Thailand to speak and give product demos and member invitee lists.

Giving Back… Yes!!

This is the good part where we use our profits from unused premiums because our Beacon stories Dapp is so cool that our eco-system has so much left over we can afford to help food that would otherwise go unused by Restaurants, Grocery Stores and Caterers find a homeless shelter or an Artist Co-op by matching drivers willing to pick up and deliver the food to the designated drop off points such as battered womens shelters and mental wellness facilities.

I used to work at a Wolfgang puck in Los Angeles and so much food goes to waste because there simply isn’t anyone to come and pick it up and drop it off. I also am a freegan who once lived in a domestic violence shelter in the winter of Chicago and finding vegan food or food in general in a food desert is quite difficult. So the way we would use the beacon technology is to allow users to request that their premiums would go towards signing/hooking up freegans with cars to help deliver food to your favorite charity or shelter of your choice!



Raxx City

Blockchain gaming DEX for the decentralization of in game assets and economy of virtual goods.