All you should know about Navaratna Rings

Aalia ray
2 min readFeb 11, 2017

A Navratana ring is in talks a lot nowadays. This is becoming a sensational topic among all ring loves because of its attractive looks and Vedic astrological benefits. Navaratna is originally a Sanskrit words. “Nava” means nine and “Ratna” means gem. Navartana ring is made up of 9 precious gemstones and is a symbol of health, prosperity, and happiness. Navaratna rings keep negative energy away from the person who wears it and these absorb the positive vibes from the planets.

It is believed since ancient times that Navagraha (9 Planets) rule the body parts and organs that are — Muscles, fat, bone, teeth, brain, nerves, hormones, and blood etc. Each gemstone represents a particular planet of the zodiac. Let us give you a brief about the each gemstone and how one can get benefitted wearing the Navaratna rings.

Ruby — It represents the Sun. It is said that it increases the sperm count in a man. Also, it does cure skin, heart, eye, and urine related problems in our body.

Pearl — It represents the Moon. This gemstone is known for muscles strengthen in a human body.

Red Coral — It is entitled with the Mars. This beautiful red-hot gemstone increases the blood circulation in the body.

Emerald — This one represents the planet named Mercury. Mercury influences liver, nails, and nerves related diseases.

Yellow Sapphire — This exemplifies the benefits from the Jupiter and prevents the delay in marriage. Yellow sapphire keeps you focussed towards your goal.

Diamond — This one is for the venus. This is the remedy of all backbone related problems in a human body.

Blue Saffire — This represents the Saturn and it makes positive effects on hair.

Hessonite — This is the symbol of the Rahu that keeps physical, psychological, and emotional level stable in the body.

Cat’s Eye — This is the symbol of the Ketu that helps in returning the lost wealth.

One of the most iconic benefits of wearing a navaratna ring is that every person can wear this regardless of his/her zodiac sign. But if you choose to wear the ring with just one or two gemstones, you must take recommendations from an astrologer, as you would need to choose correct finger for a particular gemstone. In general, it’s astrologer’s advice to men to wear a navaratna ring in right finger of right hand to extract the most valuable positive outcomes out of it.

Men’s navaratna rings come in various types. And, it is recommended to use only those rings which have genuine and flawless gemstones. Also, if you are not taking the astrologer’s advice then remember the thumb rule of wearing it — Always clean the ring before using it.

Navaratna rings prices are something one must look upon. Its range can vary something from INR 1000/- to as high as INR 50,000/- depending on the size and type you select. One can get even higher prices and those navaratna rings are made up of stunning and precious expensive gemstones. So,grab one ring for yourself if you believe in astrological benefits.

