How can we change your brain using Loops.

2 min readNov 11, 2018


What are Loops?

You might have heard of loops in computer programming.

“ In computer programming, a loop is a sequence of instruction’s that is continually repeated until a certain condition is reached. Typically, a certain process is done, such as getting an item of data and changing it, and then some condition is checked such as whether a counter has reached a prescribed number. “

So basically without the loops Applications cannot run.

We humans also have loops too, and we can’t survive without that.

Everything we do is a loop.

Do you remember how you brushed your teeth this morning?

No. Right?
You might remember a few bits and pieces, but not the whole process. Because its the primary job of your conscious mind to make loops.

Your conscious mind makes this loops so that it can have space to process the important task. And the loops are then run by your unconscious mind.

Our brains are wired to create loops.

So how can we use this in our favor?

As we know that we cannot survive with them, our life will be very chaotic without it.

Loops make our life easier.


90% of the thoughts we have every day are same. They are running on loops. So we need to replace them with.

So I want you to write down Top 10 dominating thoughts you have every day. And then pick one of the thoughts and for next 7 days, and whenever you get that thought, you replace that thought with any positive thoughts or thoughts that motivate you.

After one week picks the second thoughts and replaces it with some other positive thought.

Do this for a week for 10 weeks. After 10 weeks you will practically replace your top 10 dominating thoughts. You are basically changing your mind and beliefs.

Meditation is a “meta-skill” that improves everything else.

If you meditated than this will be easy for you. Because the key here is to be aware that you are having that thought you need to replace. Everyone should Meditate.

Brushing your teeth.

Brushing your teeth is a loop. If you use your right hand, next time try to do it with left (or vice versa) and see what happens .

When you do this your brain suddenly wakes up, because your brain has no idea how to brush your teeth with your left hand. So your conscious mind has to take charge and do the work.

You can do this with almost everything you do. Use your phone with the other and. Try to sleep on the floor. Try to write with your left hand (or vice versa).

Discomfort changes your brain.

We can literally change our beliefs if we use loops in the right manner.

