My Hero JourneyWhen you look at the photo above you probably see a man who is very comfortable being the center of attention. A man who is great at…Dec 16, 2018Dec 16, 2018
Why You Must Level UpThere’s an old saying that a person usually becomes as successful as the average of her five closest friends. I’ve given this quite a bit…Sep 26, 2018Sep 26, 2018
A Basket Full Of Blank ChecksDo you have a bunch of blank checks laying around your home or office? Before you say “no, silly, of course not”. Take a look at where you…Jun 24, 2018Jun 24, 2018
Spring Cleaning For Your ContactsHow many names and numbers do you have in your phones contact list. Due to the modern convenience of transferring numbers to your new…Mar 18, 2018Mar 18, 2018
How To Turn Contacts Into Raving FansIn 2008, Kevin Kelly wrote a very popular blog post, entitled “1,000 True Fans”. In the post he defined A True Fan as someone who will…Mar 3, 2018Mar 3, 2018
Address The Disease, Not the Symptoms“I don’t take cold medicine” is my standard response to concerned friends and family when they hear me cough or sneeze and kindly ask…Oct 30, 2017Oct 30, 2017
An Inch Wide and A Mile DeepI heard a great analogy this morning about networking and it resonated with me. Tim Ferris talked about why it is much more effective to…Aug 7, 2017Aug 7, 2017
Life Is Not A CompetitionFrom the time we are born, we are endlessly forced to compete. Even before you knew what was happening, you were being compared with other…Apr 28, 2017Apr 28, 2017
Life Is Not A CompetitionFrom the time we are born, we are endlessly forced to compete. Even before you knew what was happening, you were being compared with other…Mar 27, 2017Mar 27, 2017