Analyze the number of traffic accidents and driving licenses issued in Saudi Arabia. Form 2016–2017 Year

Rayan raad
2 min readMar 22, 2020



This my first story , I want to share my study about traffic accidents and driving licenses issued , where the most number of traffic accidents , and what are the Relationship between traffic accidents and driving licenses.

Analyze The Data and result

2016–2017 ,no_lic = number of driving licenses , no_acci = number of traffic accidents , no_dead = number accident caus dead , no_injured = number of accident caus injured

after seen the data , I fuond the some Relationship like the Region and the year of the two dataframe so.

2016–2017 ,no_lic = number of driving licenses , no_acci = number of traffic accidents , no_dead = number accident caus dead , no_injured = number of accident caus injured

As you can see in this Diagram , when the number of driving licenses increasing ,the number of traffic accidents Decline , even if it is not that big of difference , there some difference between 2016 and 2017

2016–2017 ,no_lic = number of driving licenses , no_acci = number of traffic accidents , no_dead = number accident caus dead , no_injured = number of accident caus injured

As shown in the following graph, ,it show you where the highes number of driving licenses and traffic accidents in the Region , the highes region are Riyadh ,makkah and Eastem region


to Decline the number of traffic accidents , i recommend to make the driver more Aware of Traffic laws , apply more advanced Automated monitoring like saher .

