UX of Indian Temples

Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2023

Patterns in Indian Temples

Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India

Common Things We find in Temples

The artworks on the outside of temples are a visual representation of the temple’s history, culture, and beliefs. These artworks often depict humans interacting with other humans or animals and can range from intricate carvings and sculptures to elaborate murals and frescoes. These artworks showcase the skills and creativity of the artists who created them and offer a glimpse into the traditions and stories of the past. Exploring the artworks on the outside of temples can be a rewarding and enriching experience for those interested in art, history, or learning about a place’s cultural heritage.👇

Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India

As you move into the interior of a temple, the artworks and decorations tend to become simpler and more minimalistic.

Many temples follow a similar structure, with more ornate and detailed artwork and decorations on the exterior, and a more minimalistic and uncluttered design on the interior.

Many temples in India, particularly in the southern regions, follow this structure. While many Indian temples were lost due to invasions over the past 1000+ years, a significant number of temples in the southern regions of India have survived and remain standing due to a relative lack of change in power in these areas.

Decoding the Structure

Structure of temples

These temples have a way of drawing you in like they are using beautiful Imagery to catch your attention and as you go further it gets simpler and simpler Lastly the center of the temple has very less curvature and mostly straight lines.


Maybe it could mean

The Gradual change reflects the temple’s focus on spiritual contemplation and inner peace. The exterior artworks catch the eye and draw visitors in, while the simpler interior creates a peaceful atmosphere for reflection.

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This is my first article so feel free to point out mistakes in it




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