Improve yourself and the world around with Playkey

5 min readMay 28, 2018


To date, in our world it is no longer like that every citizen should go to university after school, to study there 5-6 years (and even more) to obtain the long-awaited and desired documentation on higher education (diploma); find a job in government to receive a monthly salary in order to manage the family; to gain experience, work experience, and then quietly retire and receive pension payments, which is slightly more than your seniority in public works. Does that sound interesting?

Now is the time that you can earn real and huge amounts of money in the global Internet using a variety of ways. Many people work on YouTube, that is, they conduct their blogs, shoot videos of different fees. Such people live on the basis of views, assessments, which they receive from their subscribers, fans. The more views, the more they get their share of money.

Why did I start talking about all this? - You ask. This is because a new project has emerged within the scope of cryptography (which has recently begun to be of great interest to me). It’s called Playkey - in detail

Cloud-based games allow those users to run new games with low-performing and low-performing computers. The whole industry's future lies in the clouds, says many experts. By 2020, the market should grow by 34% every year.

It's understandable how good this is for gamers without strong gaming hardware. Each year they will gain access to a number of new games with more high quality. But what about gamers who have put together a game system for a few thousand dollars and spent $ 500- $ 1000 each year on a new video card?

Nothing offers a better future for them. There is a powerful hardware owner who gets something from cryptocurrency mining, but this income is risky and uncertain.

There are alternatives: Offer your computing power to rent to cloud-based game users. On a decentralized gaming platform, miners will be able to set their own lease terms, while players will choose the hardware that best suits them. Due to the stability and predictability in such mining, it is possible to earn at least two to three times more than from crypto mining currencies. This is the kind of ecosystem that is being developed by Playkey.

Pay Off the Farm in Half a Year

To start earning on the platform, the miner will need to register and configure the system according to the instructions. Then test the computer’s performance, download games, and set rates.

The latest Playkey can do this automatically: It will suggest mutually beneficial prices. But the final decision on the price per hour of gaming rests with the owner of the hardware. Relations between users will be regulated by smart contracts, and payments will be made in PKT (Playkey’s cryptocurrency).

Playkey is putting the mutually beneficial hourly gaming rate now at $1. If you mine for 24 hours continuously, then in a day you will earn $18 after Playkey’s commission. Per month, your maximum earnings will be about $540.

But a more realistic assumption would be 10 hours of mining on average per day, since players won’t be found every hour. This level of activity will earn you $10 per day after commission, or about $300 a month.

Meanwhile, average earnings from mining Ethereum with the stated capacity are $1.50 per day and $45 per month (and this is with a 24-hour mode of operation). That means that with Playkey you’ll earn 6 to 12 times more per month.

In order to stabilize earnings, you can rent out capacity by the month instead of by the hour: for example, to sign a smart contract with a gamer for 70 hours at $20 per month. So if you serve 10 players (720 hours), you’ll earn $150 after commission.

But that’s the minimum revenue. You could still rent out your remaining free time by the hour. If the proportion of monthly to hourly smart contracts is 50:50, you could get about $80 for the first option (360 hours at an average price of $0.30 per hour) and $270 for the second.

That’s $340, and it’s just one possible way. Each miner’s earnings will vary according to the amount of mining time, the pricing, his popularity among gamers, and his proportions of smart contracts at different rates. In addition, if at 3:00 in the morning a gamer can’t be found, then the hardware won’t face downtime: The possibility always remains to mine cryptocurrencies too. So earnings will not go lower than for conventional mining.

Mining in Every Home

The advantages of renting out your hardware for cloud-based gaming are not only about income levels. There are other aspects too:

It’s less risky than mining cryptocurrencies: Gamers get an alternative to buying gaming equipment and are unlikely to switch to the old system.

It’s less volatile than mining cryptocurrencies: A miner’s income can be predicted based on his contracts and rating.

It doesn’t require adding new hardware. Miners can switch to it while just slightly expanding their configuration or not adding to it at all, if they cannot use their capacity effectively due to increased competition on the cryptocurrency market.

It doesn’t force miners to give up conventional mining for cryptocurrencies, but acts as an additional income source.

What’s more, it will not be necessary in the future to gather servers oneself for mining. Platforms themselves will offer the needed capacity. After the ICO, Playkey is planning to acquire servers and auction them out publicly for PKT, the platform’s cryptocurrency. So, if you’re too lazy to set up a powerful gaming computer yourself, don’t miss out on the sale of PKT. We will take care of the mining hardware for you.

future crypto games

Anyone who gets user traction with Blockchain-based solutions stands to gain an enormous initial market share given the publicity that crypto enters the media right now. Other industries such as finance have adopted Blockchain wholesalers, but winning-take-all-effects are likely to be present at most in other industries.


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