All About 75 Hard-Day Challange

4 min readAug 28, 2023


Let’s understand about the 75 Hard-Day Challange.

We have to Follow six “Non-Negotiable” Rules for straight 75 days to complete up this Challenge.

  1. Maintain a diet of any kind.
    It doesn’t clarify what constitutes a cheat meal, but neither alcohol nor cheat meals are permitted

2. Drink a 4–5 litres of water every day

3. Read 10 pages of a non-fiction book every day

4. Take a progress picture every day

5. Exercise twice a day — each workout should be at least 45 minutes long and one must be done outside

6. No substitutions, no excuses

Consider that a lot? And there’s more. You must restart at day one if you are unable to complete these six tasks each day. The hardest, most disciplined version of yourself will emerge from it.

Drawbacks of this Challenge

Potential Problems with 75 Hard
It forbids any “cheat meals” and is extremely dietary rigorous. Long-term adherence might be unhealthful relationship with food. It can be challenging to maintain this rigidity over the long run, and it might even result in an unhealthy relationship with food.

Benefits of this Challenge

Mentally Tough: 75 Hard Challenge trains you to be mentally tough by requiring strict adherence to the rules. The requirements of two daily exercises, one diet and zero compromise strengthen mental strength.

Professional Growth: Reading a textbook every day can help your professional growth. You will gain new information, ideas and skills that you can apply to your business or career.

Fitness Level: The challenge will significantly improve your current fitness level. Specific instructions for two daily 45-minute workouts promise continuous physical activity that leads to remarkable results.

Health Goals: 75 Hard can help you achieve health goals like losing weight or building strength, especially if you follow the rules with the help of a certified trainer.

New habits: for 75 days, five daily tasks must be performed consistently, which promote the formation of new habits. They can extend beyond the program and become part of your daily routine.

Feel accomplished: When you take daily progress, you can see your progress and feel accomplished. This visual representation of your success is a powerful motivator.

Fewer excuses: The strict rules of 75 Hard limit the space for an endless cycle of excuses and teach you to prioritize your commitment to health and well-being over other social situations.

Increased water consumption: Drinking one gallon of water a day helps maintain adequate hydration, which is essential for overall health and can improve the condition of the skin.

Feel Strong: The intense physical part of this challenge can make you feel strong, capable and physically fit, which boosts your self-esteem.

Consistency: 75 Hard Challenge teaches you to be consistent, which is a crucial quality for success in any field. Keeping the program regardless of weather, mood or other factors is the biggest thing.

Reading Habits: The challenge reinforces a regular reading habit, which is good for mental stimulation, stress reduction and continued learning.

Dietary discipline: The challenge promotes healthy eating habits and dietary discipline, which are key factors in achieving and maintaining a healthy weight. You’ll learn how to control your sugar intake and avoid cheaters.

Better flexibility: Completing the 75-day challenge will make you flexible. This can have a positive effect on other areas of your life, making previously difficult tasks more manageable.

Commitment: Following the rules of the program, even when it’s difficult, teaches the power of commitment. This can be a powerful lesson, both personally and professionally.

Discipline: By constantly having to stick to a program and avoid excuses, you develop a high level of discipline.

Change of Mindset: By adhering to the rules of the challenge, you will begin to realize that you can influence your health and fitness. This change in mindset is an important step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Focus: By incorporating reading into your daily routine, you can improve focus and concentration, which benefits many areas of life.

Stamina: Two exercises a day, especially one outside, regardless of the weather, will improve your physical stamina, which can also mean an increase in mental stamina.

Time Management: Balancing challenges and other daily responsibilities helps improve your perfect time management skills, which are valuable in many areas of life.

Holistic Health: Overall, the 75 Hard Challenge promotes a holistic approach to health, taking into account physical and mental well-being. A combination of exercise, diet, hydration, reading and progress tracking encourages a balanced focus on different aspects of health.

