How do you make a solder mask for Rigid-Flex PCB?

6 min readMay 7, 2024


How do you make a solder mask for Rigid-Flex PCB?


Rigid-Flex PCBs (Printed Circuit Boards) are a unique combination of rigid and flexible circuit boards that offer numerous advantages in various applications. These specialized PCBs are designed to meet the demands of compact and dynamic electronic systems, where flexibility and durability are essential. One critical aspect of the manufacturing process for Rigid-Flex PCBs is the application of a solder mask, which plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and functionality of the final product.

The solder mask is a protective layer applied to the surface of the PCB, covering the copper traces and exposed areas, leaving only the desired solder pads and component pad areas uncovered. This layer serves several important functions, including preventing solder bridges during the assembly process, insulating the conductive traces, and protecting the PCB from environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, and abrasion.

In this comprehensive article, we will delve into the intricacies of creating a solder mask for Rigid-Flex PCBs, exploring the materials, processes, and best practices involved in this critical manufacturing step.

Materials and Preparation

Before diving into the solder mask application process, it’s essential to understand the materials involved and the necessary preparation steps.

Solder Mask Materials

The solder mask material used for Rigid-Flex PCBs is typically a photoimageable or liquid photoimageable solder mask (LPISM). These materials are sensitive to UV light and undergo a chemical reaction when exposed, allowing for precise patterning of the solder mask layer.

  1. Photoimageable Solder Mask: This type of solder mask comes in dry film form and is laminated onto the PCB surface using heat and pressure. It consists of a photosensitive resin sandwiched between a polyester film and a protective cover sheet.
  2. Liquid Photoimageable Solder Mask (LPISM): As the name suggests, this material is a liquid resin that is applied to the PCB surface using various coating techniques, such as curtain coating, spray coating, or screen printing. The LPISM formulation contains photosensitive compounds that react to UV light exposure.

Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is crucial for achieving a successful solder mask application and ensuring optimal adhesion. The preparation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Cleaning: The PCB surface must be thoroughly cleaned to remove any contaminants, such as dust, oils, or residues, that could interfere with the solder mask adhesion. This step is typically performed using chemical cleaning agents or deionized water and mild detergents.
  2. Micro-etching or Deoxidation: To enhance the adhesion of the solder mask to the copper surfaces, the PCB may undergo a micro-etching or deoxidation process. This step creates a microscopic roughness on the copper surfaces, improving the mechanical interlocking between the solder mask and the copper.
  3. Surface Activation: In some cases, the PCB surface may require activation using specific chemical treatments or plasma cleaning to further improve the adhesion of the solder mask material.

Solder Mask Application Process

Once the materials and surface preparation are in order, the solder mask application process can begin. The specific steps may vary depending on the type of solder mask material used (photoimageable or LPISM), but the general principles remain the same.

Photoimageable Solder Mask Application

  1. Lamination: The dry film photoimageable solder mask is laminated onto the prepared PCB surface using a lamination machine. This process involves applying heat and pressure to adhere the solder mask film to the PCB.
  2. UV Exposure: A photomask or artwork film, containing the desired pattern for the solder mask, is aligned with the PCB using a precise alignment system. The PCB is then exposed to UV light through the photomask, causing the exposed areas of the solder mask to undergo a chemical reaction and become cross-linked (hardened).
  3. Development: After UV exposure, the PCB is immersed in a developer solution, which selectively removes the unexposed (non-cross-linked) areas of the solder mask, leaving behind the desired pattern.
  4. Curing: The remaining solder mask pattern is then cured, typically using UV light or thermal curing, to fully cross-link and harden the material, ensuring its long-term durability and resistance to environmental factors.

Liquid Photoimageable Solder Mask (LPISM) Application

  1. Coating: The LPISM material is applied to the prepared PCB surface using a coating technique such as curtain coating, spray coating, or screen printing. The coating thickness is carefully controlled to ensure uniform coverage and the desired final thickness.
  2. Soft Baking: After coating, the PCB undergoes a soft baking process, typically in a convection oven, to partially cure the LPISM and remove any remaining solvents.
  3. UV Exposure: Similar to the photoimageable solder mask process, a photomask or artwork film is aligned with the PCB, and the LPISM is exposed to UV light through the photomask, causing the exposed areas to cross-link and harden.
  4. Development: The unexposed (non-cross-linked) areas of the LPISM are removed using a developer solution, leaving behind the desired solder mask pattern.
  5. Final Curing: The remaining solder mask pattern is then fully cured, typically using UV light or thermal curing, to achieve the desired physical and chemical properties, such as hardness, chemical resistance, and adhesion.

Considerations for Rigid-Flex PCBs

While the general solder mask application process is similar for both rigid and flexible portions of a Rigid-Flex PCB, there are some additional considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Flexibility: The solder mask material used for the flexible portions of the Rigid-Flex PCB must be able to withstand repeated bending and flexing without cracking or delaminating. Specialized flexible solder mask materials or formulations may be required to meet these demands.
  2. Compatibility: The solder mask material and application process must be compatible with the materials and construction of the Rigid-Flex PCB, ensuring proper adhesion and compatibility with the flexible substrates, adhesives, and coverlay materials used.
  3. Registration Accuracy: Precise registration and alignment of the solder mask pattern are crucial for Rigid-Flex PCBs, especially in areas where the rigid and flexible sections meet. Any misalignment can lead to potential issues, such as solder bridges or exposed conductors.
  4. Process Control: The solder mask application process for Rigid-Flex PCBs may require tighter process controls and monitoring to ensure consistent quality and reliability across the rigid and flexible portions of the board.

Quality Inspection and Testing

After the solder mask application process is complete, it is essential to perform quality inspections and testing to ensure the solder mask meets the required specifications and performs as intended. Some common inspection and testing procedures include:

  1. Visual Inspection: The solder mask pattern is visually inspected for defects, such as pinholes, incomplete coverage, or misalignment, using microscopes or automated optical inspection (AOI) systems.
  2. Adhesion Testing: Adhesion tests, such as cross-hatch adhesion tests or pull-off tests, are conducted to evaluate the solder mask’s adhesion strength to the PCB surface.
  3. Electrical Testing: Electrical tests, such as continuity testing or insulation resistance testing, are performed to ensure the solder mask provides adequate insulation and does not cause any short circuits or leakage paths.
  4. Environmental Testing: The solder mask may be subjected to various environmental tests, such as thermal cycling, humidity testing, or chemical resistance testing, to evaluate its performance and durability under different conditions.
  5. Bend Testing (for Flexible Portions): For the flexible portions of the Rigid-Flex PCB, bend testing may be conducted to assess the solder mask’s ability to withstand repeated flexing without cracking or delaminating.

These quality inspection and testing procedures are crucial for ensuring the reliability and long-term performance of the Rigid-Flex PCB and its solder mask.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. What is the purpose of a solder mask on a PCB? The solder mask serves several purposes on a PCB, including preventing solder bridges during the assembly process, insulating the conductive traces, and protecting the PCB from environmental factors such as moisture, chemicals, and abrasion.
  2. What are the different types of solder mask materials used for Rigid-Flex PCBs? The two main types of solder mask materials used for Rigid-Flex PCBs are photoimageable solder mask (dry film) and liquid photoimageable solder mask (LPISM).

