Galactic Federation Of Light


#Expanded #Consciousness #StarlightCouncil Yes, Our Consciousness Expands Far Beyond Our Physical Vessel And Yes, Our Consciousness Can Upgrade Our Physical Bodies To The Degree Of The “Super Body” Restoring Our Original Bodily Functions With The Divine Organic Technology Of Our Soul. #GalacticFederation #Ascension Watch And Observe As The Old World Of The “Kali Yuga” Continues To Dissolve As We Rise To The Heights Of Quantum Frequencies. #Namaste 3D As Humanity Once Knew It Is Over. #DivineCleansing #4thDensity There Are Inevitable Fundamental Changes Happening To The Very Structure Of Our Reality Construct To Usher In This New Fourth Density Template Layout. These Are Highly Noticeable Changes That Are Even Realized By A Large Collective Of Individuals Who Has Simply Acknowledged The “Mandela Effect” And These Changes Overall Is A Simplistic Representation Of A Macro Clock Switching From 12:00 AM To 12:00 PM!.. Now, With Such A Simple Analogy, Anyone Can Comprehend How A Switch From One Density To The Next Can Take Place. #StarlightCouncil #HigherSelf #InfiniteEssense We Bring Along An Infinite Essence With Us Through The Manifestation Of Every Single Moment, Which Every Single Moment Is But 1 Moment Stretched Into Eternity. #StarlightCouncil #Namaste Your Crystalline Diamond Consciousness Is Indisputable! 💎 The Infinite Awareness That You Are Spreads Far Beyond The Limits Of The Physical Body So Thus Now Your Physical Vessel Shall Be Unlimited Simply Because You Are “Unlimited” #GalacticFederation

