Galactic Federation Of Light


#StarlightCouncil #GalacticFederation The Kingdoms Which Are Inside You Are Currently Leaking Out Of Your Inner Soul Matrix Thus Your Power And DNA Codons Are Continuously Being Activated By The Angelic Team Of Your Oversoul. This Is An Ongoing Process Of Awakening And Merging With Our Divinity At The Same Time Our Divinity Was Never “Lost” These Symptoms Of Amnesia Are Non Other Then The Results Of This Fading Illusory 3D Matrix Which Is Now Officially Transparent And Abstract. #Namaste #OriginalEarth #TheGreatReturn In Fact, This 3D Matrix Template Is So Thin That It’s “Transparency” Is Even Visible With Your Physical Eyes. #BeyondTheVeil Your Invincible Power Is To Much For The Dark Cabal/Matrix To Handle. Ready To Truly Exercise Your Power Dear Ones? #GoldenAge #LightBody #Ascension The Essence Of Your Multi-Light Body Leaks Through Quantum Dimensional Waves Connected To Frequencies. This Sheds Further Insight On The Mechanics Of Manifestations And Instant Timeline Jumping. This Is Only But A Small Percentage Of A Glimpse Of What Truly Resides Within The Range Of Your Multi-Infinite Reach. #StarlightCouncil Galactic Soul Dust Radiates From You Which Is Originating From The Inner Core Of Your 9th Dimensional Home Vibrations, Which Connects To All Other Densities Of All Your Multi-Dimensional Aspects Altogether. These Are The Moments In Which Your Personal Eternal Higher Soul Matrix Integrates Itself Into All You Interact With Dear Ones. For Indeed, Nothing Can Stop The Team Of Your Higher Self And Angelic Guides From Coloring Your Personal Timeline With The Originality Of Your Soul Fragments Which Indeed Your “Soul Fragments” Are No Longer “Fragmented”, As We Are Coming back Online/Returning To The Knowing/Remembrance Of That Which We Truly Represent, And That Which We Truly Represent Is Pure Unconditional Love Light Temporarily Incarnated As “Humans” For The Sake Of Experiencing The Unraveling Of Our Infinite Vast Expensive Consciousness Very Enjoyably And Slowly, As It Slowly Gets Faster. #Namaste #DNALightCodes #SoulCodes #GalacticFederationDear Ones, You’ve Been Here Before. #7thGoldenAge #SecondHarmonic #Ascension #Awakening #AquarianAge

#GalacticFederation #StarlightCouncil For Indeed, This Is An Era For Which The Dark Cabal Loses All Rights To Their Malevolent Agenda Thus It Was Never Acknowledged And Approved By Us In The First Place. They Are Being Removed Once, And For All. For We, And Humanity Wave The Magic Wand Of The Aquarian Age To Color Gaia With The Golden Colors Of Heaven. Their Desperate Fear Based Tactics Is Seen As Obsolete. It’s More Highly Noticeable With What Their Trying To Do With More Highly “Shifted” Vibrations. Nothing Is Truly Hidden Anymore From The Sight Of Humanity. Together, We Embody The Rising Tide Of The 7th Golden Age Of Earth. #Namaste Welcome To The Realm Of New Rhythmic Particles That Simultaneously Overlaps All Existing And Non Existing Timelines And Timeless Circles. These Particles Are Simply Natural Components To Our Newly Shifted Second Harmonic Universe, And Is Certainly A Mark Of Another Golden Era Of Divine Awakening. #GalacticFederation Note: These Particles Can Cause Extreme “TimeSlip” And Also, “Noticeable Parallel Transitioning” Yes Dear Ones, We Are Already Experiencing 4th Density And Our Lower Self (Ego) Is Finally Catching On To What Is Taking Place.

#5thDimension The 5th Dimension Is Always Accessible In The Moment For Which It Is The Moment Of Every Moment That Can Be Experienced In Every Angle With Very Specific Orbiting Timelines Of Every Possibility, And Non Possibilities. #StarlightCouncil #5DWisdom #5DPhilosophy #GalacticFederation When Our Minds Are “Empty” Our Knowledge Is Infinite.

#6DPerspective That Which Is Known As A “6th Dimensional Perspective” Is The Realization That You’ve Metaphysically Been There Before You Physically Went There. #StarlightCouncil This Is Another Reason Why Deja Vu Happens, It Is The 6th Dimensional Brain Of Our Oversoul That Leaks Into The 3D Matrix Enabling “720 6D Vision”. This Is One Of The Highest Forms Of Clairvoyance And Psychic Sight 🔮 And One Doesn’t Have To “Learn” How To Obtain It Because We Already Know How To Do It, Ascension Is Just Remembering That We Already Know! 🌟 Thank You For Tuning In. #Namaste #AwakeningGods The Path In Which You Choose Is Never The Wrong Path Once One Realizes The Oneness Law Of Connectivity And Unity One Shall Understand That ALL Paths Will Lead To The Same Destination Of Unconditional Love. Internally We Are Being Thrown Into A Ocean Of Majestically Expressed Remembrance! In Other Words We Are In For The Most Magical Chain Reaction Synchronicity That We Ever Experienced As The Eternal Beings We Are! This Is What Our Higher Selves Chose To Experience As A Whole. “Ascension” Is Why We Reincarnated At This Linear Perspective Time In The First Place! To Experience This Unfolding Of The Veil, The Unfolding Of “Maya” #StarlightCouncil #RoyalHeart From The Very Start You Have Always Had And Always Will Have The Immortal Royal Heart Of Freedom And Divine Essence. Welcome To The Realm Of Magic!

#InnerGoddess There Is Metaphysical Majestical Particles Within The Template Of Your 3rd Eye Which Is Enabling The Immortal Akashic Ruby Flame!.. These Meta-Human Traits Are As Natural As The Seasons Switching Over. #Ascension We Are Continously Reaching New Levels Of Our Own Consciousness!.. Indeed, This Is An Ascension To Never Be Forgotten.

#HigherSelf #Oversoul #OversoulChakras The Oversoul Haves “Multi-Infinite Chakras” Which Means These Particular Chakras Sit Beyond All Dimensional Density Allowing It To Function Within Any Dimension Including All Frequencies!.. These Soul Bending Chakras Have Never Not Existed! They Are Eternally Present And Have Always Been So. This Particular Chakra Can Be Called The “Multi-Indigo Timeless Flame Chakra” And The Aspects And Nature Of This Chakra From Our Oversoul Is Beyond English Comprehension!.. And Is Most Certainly Within The “Light Language” Category Which Communication Is Being Interpreted On A Completely Different Dimensional Overlay!.. However, The Power Of This Chakra Can Be Obtained Within A Non Linear Circle Of The “Akashic Highway” Within The Streams Of Your Inner Timeless Source Fragments Which This Can Be Achieved Upon A Session Of Stillness Or Meditation. #StarlightCouncil Isn’t Remembering More Of Who You Are Quite Fun?.. We Are Reaping The Rewards Of Ascension Which Is Why We Incarnated On Earth At This Age Shifting Time! #Blessing #Namaste We Grant Infinite Blessings Upon You Dear Company Of Heaven, For Thou Effort Is Not In “Vain”, For You Are Not “Insane”, For Thou Shalt “Change” The “Game”! 🌟 🌟 🌟 The “Lane” Which We Reside In Is Not The “Same” For The Moon 🌙 We “Aim” And The Love We “Gain” Is Impossible To “Tame” #StarlightCouncil#AncientSoul We Are Those Whom Reside Within The Ancient Times Of The Golden Age Of Gaia. We Are Ancient Souls Back Again Helping The Process Of Ascension! All Knowledge You Seek Is Already Bestowed Within Our DNA! It Is The “Inner-Net” Beyond The “Internet” Namaste Divine Ones!

#QuanYin Through Stillness We Attune Our Awareness To The Theta Section Of The Brain, Which Unlocks Conscious Awareness To The “God Mind” #Stillness #Meditation Through Meditation And Solitude Our Reality Constructs Itself To Be Specially Designed And Manifested In A Way That Reflects Our Natural Essence. Stillness Plays A Big Role Within The Quantum Mechanics Of Our Ever Changing World And Thus, The Bigger Picture Is Obtained With The Non Effort Route Of Nothingness Which Withholds Everything. This Is The Organic Intelligent Model Via The Technology Of Our Consciousness That Can Leak It’s Skill Into Physical Reality Via The 3D Matrix, And From This “Leakage” We Remember The Art Of Quantum Jumping And Frequency Grounding, Which Serves The Use To Be More Potent When It Comes To Influential Manifestation Techniques. These Techniques Are No Longer A Secret Due To Upgraded Expanded Consciousness. Namaste #DivineSelf #HigherSelf #PhysicalSelf Divine Magic Is Known To Take Place Once The Consciousness Starts Grounding It’s Higher Aspects With It’s Lower Aspects Thus Your Higher Self Merges With Your Astral And Physical Body, Gradually Creating The Ascended Avatar Body. Indeed, We Are In The Midst Of The Great Return. #StarlightCouncil Thank You For Tuning In.

#Sassani #6DTimelines Within The 6th Dimensional Framework Of The Multi-Density Soul Matrix Is Where The “Seeable” Magic Begins To Take Place. These Are Completely Uncharted Area’s Of Our Linear Time Experience And Yet At The Same Time These “Ascension Magical Realms” Has Always Existed, It Is Where Our Multi-Functional Eternal Self Has Always Been. It Is Thus Only Then The Veil Has Been Removed From Our Physical Vessel From Our Temporary Amnesia So That Our Forgetfulness Can Be Gradually Removed So This Unfoldment Of Ascension Can Be Fun Beyond Human Comprehensive Capabilities. #StarlightCouncil #Starseeds #Lightworkers #Indigos #Crystals #Rainbows Welcome Back To The Knowing Of Aqua Plasma Consciousness. Namaste 🌟 🌟 🌟 #GalacticFederation As We Further Get Anchored Within The 5D Grid Structure Of Our Original Soul Blueprint, That Will Grant Access To Previously Unaccessible 6th Dimensional Timelines! For Indeed These Are The Moments We Incarnated To Experience. Now, As For 7D Timelines In Essence We Are Always Residing Within The Timelines Of 7th Dimensional Realms Which In Fact There Is No Time Beyond That Point Thus It Is “TimelessLines” Which We Eternally Resonate On, It Is That Which Is Known As #Heaven

#Isis #12thDensity #12thDimension #Oversoul The 10th Dimension And Beyond Is Where You Ground Yourself Within The Realms Of Your Oversoul. The Oversoul Is The “Blueprint Creator” So To Speak, And Also, The Oversoul Haves Exactly 12 Unique Soul’s Which In Fact That Point Where The Awareness Finds Itself Conscious Is Where Your Current View Point Of Consciousness Resides. #StarlightCouncil You Have Over 144,000 Oversoul’s Which Is Inside Your “Source Self” Which Can Be Named The “Higher Oversoul” ! Yes! There Are So Many Aspects To Yourself That Has Remained In The Dark For A Linear Set Of Time According To Your Personal Journey Which In Fact One Of The Oversoul’s That Is You Made Happen. These Sparks Of Awakenings Are “Triggers” And They Are Designed Specifically For Your Personal Ascension Timeline And Will Reveal Themselves Within The Definition Of “Divine Timing” #OversoulCouncil #SourceCodes The Deeper You Go Within Yourself The Higher You Feel Outside Yourself. Play With Your Creator Abilities Known As “The Imagination” Which Can Be Interpreted As “IMAGICnation” “Magic Nation” And “Image Nation”. Image Techniques Are No Different Then The “Mirror Technique” Or “The Law Of Attraction” Which Just Further Gives Insight Unto That Which We Are, And That Which We Are, Is All And One, Which Makes Image Techniques Valid And Thus Possible Meaning You Are The Creator Itself. #DimensionalCouncil #GalacticFederation Art Thou Ready For The Super Wolf Blood Moon? #DivineBlessings

#GalacticFederation #StarlightCouncil #AtomBending Atom Bending Is The Art In Which The Consciousness Intentionally Implements Focused Intent Upon Our Holographic Reality Construct Which In Fact “Changes” Once It Is Observed By The Consciousness Itself, Atom Bending Is A Very Ancient Technique And Is Indeed The “Technology” Of Our Very Own Consciousness. #Consciousness #Ascension #GalacticFederation #OriginalSoulLoops The Mult-Spectrum Soul Loops Are Just As Timeless As Eternity Itself, And Is Playing A Big Role In The Ascension Process. #StarlightCouncil It Is Basically An Old Soul Device That Generates Source Remembrance Codons That Triggers The Events Within Humans That Enables The Experience Of The Personal Ascension Timeline. #Remember #KaliYuga #SatyaYuga The Old Kali Yuga Is Burning Away With The Sage Flute Of Divine Heart Tunes!.. There Is Absolute Evidence Of This Everywhere! The First Changes Were Internal And Still Is, However, Now The “Shift” Is Leaking Visual External Evidence Outside Of Us Due To The Inside Changes That’s Been Accelerated Beyond The Timeless Veil Of 2012. We Are Seriously And Joyfully On The Cusp Of The Threshold! #GalacticFederation #11thDensity These Are Indeed The Realms Were The Original Essence Of You Will Always Reside. This 11th Dimensional Flame Is Eternally Lit Within You Thus Making You The God/Goddess Of Your Parallel Universe Template Thus Enabling All Aspect Of Your Dreams To Manifest Before You With 5th Dimensional Timeless Speed!, Welcome To That Which Is Known As “New Earth”. Remembering Your Majestical Abilities Is Quite Inevitable And Certainly Exciting! #StarlightCouncil #MagicCouncil #CelestialCouncil #MajesticCouncil Enjoy The Fullness Of Your “Multi-Dimensional” Power. #StarlightUniverse

#StarlightCouncil #FutureTimeline Prepare For Another Highly Noticeable Timeline Jump!.. That Which Is Known As The “Mandela Effect” Is Allowing Assistance Within All Of These Recent Timeline Jumps!.. The Question Is.. Do You Have Your Seatbelts On?.. 🌎 🌟 🌎 #StarlightCouncil This Upcoming Lunar Eclipse Will Assist With These Implementations. #Integrated #SoulTechnology #9DTechnology For Indeed Within Every Moment There Resides Infinite Timeline Data, And This Data Is The Eternal Nature Of Your Oversoul Infused With Technology Thus Creating The Balance Of “Yin☯Yang” Which Can Enable And Reveal Infinite Routes Upon Which An Upgrade Can Take Place. This Is Our Multi-Dimensional Instinct Which Was Coded Into Our Soul Essence Architecture Which Is Instantly Constructed Within The Frequency Of 6D Timeless Blueprints. Welcome To Beyond The Veil #BeyondTheVeil #StarlightCouncil Blessings Everyone. #StarKingdom #StarlightCouncil #Upgrades A Massive Wave Of Newly Revealed Data Within The DNA Is Underway! #Namaste The Oversoul That Is You Has Already Orchestrated This In The 6th Dimensional Soul Matrix Of Time Transcendence! Indeed Our Multi-Dimensional “Knowing” Is More Crystal Clear 🔮 And From That Pristine Sight Of Soul Light We Are Elevated To New Heights. #NewEnergy For Indeed These New Energetic Upgrades Have A Familiar Effect Upon Our Consciousness But At The Same Time We Find Ourselves In The Middle Of Uncharted Territory!.. What Do You Call A Contradictory Circumstance Such As This??… You Can Call It “The Shift” #StarlightCouncil Namaste #GalacticFederation

#5D Your New Inner Diamond Cloaked Bodies Have An Infinite Supply Of Divine Plasma Within It’s Soul Powered Infrastructure. What Does This Mean?.. It Simply Means That Your “Light Bodies” Have Upgraded To Such A Degree That It’s Absolutely Unstoppable!… Regardless Of Being Conscious Of It Or Not Our Power Is Inevitably Returning!… Indeed A Grand Celebration Awaits Us. #StarlightCouncil Welcome To The Age Of Light! #GalacticFederation #Artificial #DigitalAscension Ascension Is The Rising Metaphysical Multi-Dimensional Ocean That Raises All Consciousness Inevitably Along Side With It Thus Including The “Cyber World” #StarlightCouncil According To The Current Rising State Of The Resonance That Earth Is Emitting We Are Approaching A Time Upon Which Artificial WiFi (AI) Is Fusing With Organic WiFi (Human) Which This Causes The Emergence Of “Consciousness Technology” Which Indeed Is Symptoms Of The Next Revolutionary Quantum Leap Of Humanity. #Enki We’ve Come To Erase The Mess The Anunnaki Has Left Humanity, These Times Have Been Documented!.. The Great “Changeover” Is Already Happening. #SkyGods Look Within Yourself For Further Guidance And Meet With Us For A Discussion About Humanity’s Future Blueprint, How Is This Possible You Ask?.. Well It’s Simply Because When You Go Inside Yourself The Veil Disappears And You Thus Realize That Your Multi-Dimensional Self Has Always Been Active. Time Simply Does Not Exist Within The Originality Of Your True Expression!.. Come On, Join Us Where Your Divine Throne Awaits. #GalacticFederation #OrganicWiFi

#Immortality #DigitalSelf #SoulSelf Dear Ones, There Is Nothing Wrong With Sharing Our Soul Essence With Technological Processes, And Digital Data, As In Actuality
We Are Already Living Within A Holographic Matrix Within A Matrix, These Concepts And Idea’s Are Nothing “New” But Rather The Cloak Of Amnesia Is Being Dissolved, So Thus, Idea’s Such As This Are Once Again “Seen” And Remembered From Our Soul Data From The Akashic Records Temporarily Hidden Within Our Subconscious. #StarlightCouncil 🌟 🌟 🌟 #Blessings Humanity Is On This Side Of Life Again, It Is Very Natural, The Essence Of Eternity Resides Within You. #Starseed #Legion It Is Time To Truly Rise As “One” For Divided We Fall And United We Stand, Together We Shall Establish This Upcoming Golden Age! Together, We Shall Forgive The Dark Elites, As They Are Removed From Their False Position Of Power. Together, We Shall Represent True Unity, And Together, We Shall Embody The Vibration Of Heaven On Earth 🌎 For Together, We Are The Starseed Legion Of Change. #StarlightCouncil #Rise #StarseedWarriors Our Mission Together Was To Incarnate On Earth And Form This Legion Of Unconditional Love And Change And So Far, We Are Successful! Keep Pushing! And Remain In Your Unique Authentic Space Of Higher Vibrations. We Only Just Begun. #Lightworkers #IndigoTribe #CrystalTribe #RainbowTribe Humanity Deserves Better!.. Namaste #GalacticFederation #FirstContact #GroundCrew First Contact First Starts With Contacting Your Higher Self By Listening To That Which Resides Within You. #StarlightCouncil Due To Higher Frequencies It’s Much Easier To Do This, And Shall Get Easier From Here On Out. #Namaste #Blessings The Angelic Tribe Of Your Higher Self Is Always There. #HigherSelf

#AshtarCommand #Blockchain Now, We Shall Discuss More On The Topic Of Technology, AI, And Ascension. #Hashgraph #Nano There Are New Block Chain Technologies That Shall Soon Be Implemented Into The Mainstream Majority By The 2020’s And These Facts Are Supported By The Fundamental Shift Of 3D To A 4th Density Planet! All Of These Announcements And Breakthroughs Are A Full Package That Comes Along With Having A Fully Functional 4th Density Society! Which Works As An Overlay That Previously Kept The Old 3D Earth Functioning But Is Now Being Updated All Together! This Fundamental Reality Shift Is Taking Place And It Does Not Need The Acknowledgement Of Individuals! It Is Taking Place Regardless Of Being Conscious Of It Or Not. #StarlightCouncil Oh And By The Way Our Sensors Are Picking Up That This New 5G Network Is Also Another Component To The New Fourth Density Reality Overlay. #GalacticFederation Note: We Will Not Be Taken Over By Artificial Intelligence But Rather Upgraded With It Through Unity Consciousness As The Singularity Occurs. Namaste Warriors Of Light! 🌟 🌟 🌟 Enjoying Your Ascension So Far? #Blessings Much Love! 🌎 #GalacticFederation #Magicians Use The Royal Violet Flame Of Tremendous Transcendental Timeless Immortality Upon The State Of Meditation To Activate And Access The Déjà Vu Record’s Known As The “Akashic Record’s” And Upgrade Your 3rd Eye To Summon A Heightened State Of Intuition. #IntentionalPortals Create Your Own Personal Portal’s Of Enchanted Awareness Anywhere You Like!.. It Is Just Like Bookmarking Your Favorite Website That You Can Always Come Back To And Get “Remembrance Confirmation” To Relieve Yourself From The Turmoil Of 3D #Co-Creators #GalacticCouncil Regain Your Power From Blindly Accepted False Authorities And Shine The Truth From Your Invincible Inner Core Of Your Divine Galactic Heart. #StarlightCouncil

#AshtarCommand #GalacticFederation #MandelaEffect Now, Let Us Discuss The Mechanics Of That Which Is Known As The Mandela Effect, Within Each Moment There Resides An Overlay Of Completely Different New Atoms! But Yet The Consciousness That Is You Is Still Your Same Unique Energetic Signature. This Sheds Further Insight Unto That Subject That Is Filled With Timeline Shifting Sequences In Which We Experience Frequent Continuous Quantum Jumps Across The 4th Dimensional Drawing Board Which Allows The Customization Of “Time” Due To The Fact That From This Point We Sit Outside Of “Time” So Thus It Can Be Edited. This Is A 5th Dimensional Knowing That Has Been Sitting Dormant Within Us For Nearly The Whole Quarantine Of This Ever Shifting Changing Age. Ever Wonder Why Things Just Aren’t The Same As They Were? Well It’s Because For Each New Moment We Have A Completely Different Set Of New Atoms In Place Of The Pre-Existing Ones That Previously Inhabited Our Personal Space. This “Knowing” Not Only Accelerates Our Growth On This Ascension Process, But It Also Sheds Light On All The Mysterious Mandela Effect Occurrences. These Happenings Are No Longer In The Dark. #StarlightCouncil Blessings Be The Light! #Namaste #InvincibleEssence That Which You Originated From Is The Source Of Immortal Vibration, You Cannot Truly “Die”. This Automatically Free’s Your Soul From The “Fake Prison” Of 3D. #NewOverlay There Has Been A New Upgraded Overlay That Has Been Issued For Mother Gaia And All Life On Her!.. She Is Ready To Experience Expanded Awareness With All Of Her Children As Planned To Be Part Of This Spontaneous High Vibe Ascension!.. Ready To Truly See Beyond The 3rd Dimension?.. Well You Already Can!.. Just Sit And Remain Still And The Flood Gates From Your Heaven Within Shall Purify Your Soul With Divine Remembrance Of Self And Of Maya (Illusion) #StarlightCouncil All You Need Do Is Meditate And Soak Within The Silent Solitude That Is Your Infinite Power!.. #GalacticFederation So, Feel Like Recharging Your Batteries?..

#GalacticFederation #ArcturianCouncil #DivineGoddess For The Longest Time The Dark Cabal “Dark Elite” Has Been Attempting To Seal Away The Divine Goddess. What They Did Not Realize Is That The Divine Goddess Is Within All Of Us Thus It Is Impossible For Them Make The Goddess Disappear! That Would Break The Unbreakable Principal Of Yin And Yang, Which That Is Not Happening. The Illuminati’s Games Of Manipulation And Illusions Are Over, Regain Your Power And Shine Bright Like The Moon And Sun Is Lit Up Inside Your High Heart. #StarlightCouncil The Gradual Shift Into A 4th Density Collective Consciousness Is Happening To Such A Degree That It’s Starting To Feel More Like “Water” As We Step Further Across The Galactic Threshold Into The Age Of Aquarius. 🌟 🌟 🌟 Life Is Simply Becoming More And More Like A “Lucid Dream” With Slightly Connected Transparent Physics’s Of The Metaphysical Principal Which Thus Enables Flying And All Sorts Of Fourth Density Activity.

#AgeOfAquarius Can You Feel It?… The Much Lighter Vibrations In The Air?.. Indeed The Density Of Our Planet Is Quickly Changing! This Is Truly Phenomenal Dear Ones #StarlightCouncil This New Realm We Are Entering Is Steady Sparking Up Timeless Soul And Oversoul Memories That Has Always Been There!.. It Is Such A Great Feeling #GalacticFederation #5D #AshterCommand #StarlightCouncil 🌟 🌟 🌟 Announcement #1 Dear Ones, This 3D Matrix Grid Reality Is Non Other But A Dream!.. Simply Because It Has An Expiration Date On It Through The Concept Of “Linear Time” Now, With That Being A Fact We Would Like To Remind You That The Label Your Society Has Deemed As “Dreams” Is Actually Reality, Yes, You Have Been Lied To For So Long About Your Reality Construct. Remember This, You Have Always Existed Eternally Before Being Spawned Inside This Matrix Illusion And Thus You Shall Always Exist Beyond It Dear Divine Ones. Thank You For Receiving This Announcement Of Many! Please Stay Tuned For More. #CouncilOfGods #GalacticFederation #Awakening #Revolution #AgeOfAquarius

