6 Healthy fat foods to supercharge your health

Fat is not the enemy, it is your friend.

Ray Veguilla
3 min readJun 6, 2018
From Anne on pexels.com

The truth is:

Fat does not directly make you fat.

An excess of calories and processed food makes someone gain weight.

You need fat in your diet to be healthy.

Fat is essential for energy. It is also critical for vitamin, nutrient, and protein absorption.

Raw foods, even with a high amount of fat can help your health. Let’s go over my favorite ones.

  1. Chia seeds. Very high in omega 3 fatty acids, fiber, calcium, iron, and protein. Great for energy and the nutrient profile is incredible. The fat quality is great, and chia is a great source of protein. Chia seeds are my favorite fat food. I drink them with my protein shakes almost everyday. The best benefit I get from them is the energy boost. For me it is more energy than coffee without the crash.
  2. Avocado. Avocados have a ton of essential vitamins like C, E, and K, also and they also help…

