Eating Raw Coconut for Weight Loss

Ray Veguilla
8 min readMar 11, 2018


People need a healthy fat source from food to store energy efficiently.

The solution?

Raw coconut.

Coconut is the world’s healthiest fat source.

Eating raw coconut for weight loss can be highly effective.

I will cover how raw coconut oil and meat can help with weight loss. I am including another coconut product at the end that can make an impact when trying to lose weight.

Raw coconut for weight loss: coconut oil

Let’s take a look at the nutrition profile of coconut.

Raw coconut oil nutrition facts:

One tablespoon of coconut oil contains:

117 calories

0g protein

0g carbs

13.6g fat

Little to no vitamins and minerals.

How does raw coconut oil help with weight loss?

Coconut oil has healthy fatty acids and positive effects on the metabolism.

Coconut oil contains a high amount of medium chain fatty acids (MCTs). This specific type of fatty acid is hard for the body to store as fat, although they are more easily converted to energy in the body to be burned off when compared to other fats.

These medium chain fatty acids are metabolized in the digestive system differently than long chain fatty acids.

Medium chain fatty acids from coconut oil go to the liver from the digestive tract right away. Then the energy from the fat is used immediately or converted it is converted into ketone bodies.

The ability of coconut oil to not be stored right away and create fat cells and to be used as a more effective form of energy for the body is great for weight loss.

Another key benefit of eating coconut oil is that it is “thermogenic”. Thermogenic foods increase fat burning compared to the same number of calories compared to other fats.

In a study 1–2 tablespoons of medium chain fats per day lead to increased energy expenditure by 120 calories per day! (1).

Along with burning more calories, coconut oil can help suppress a person’s appetite by making them feel fuller. This will lead to a reduction of calorie intake.

It is believed that the ketone bodies produced by the liver have powerful appetite reducing effects.

In a study of 6 healthy men who ate a high amount of medium chain fatty acids consumed 256 fewer calories per day! (2).

People who add medium chain fatty acids to their diet have a reduced appetite. Not having the urge to eat is crucial for a person to lose weight over time.

This is exemplified in a study done on obese men where they consumed 30 grams or 2 tablespoons of coconut oil for 4 weeks and their waist size decreased by about 1.1 inches (3).

This is incredible considering these men just changed one small aspect of their diet and saw these results.

Coconut oil is powerful against abdominal belly fat. Belly fat is the most dangerous fat in the body. A high amount of belly fat around vital organs can cause inflammation, heart disease, diabetes and other problems over time.

A reduction in this belly fat will drastically decrease the likelihood of a deadly disease and will beneficially impact the longevity and overall health of the person that loses belly fat.

Other ways coconut oil can help burn fat is by helping to balance hormones, stabilizing blood sugar, and allowing the body to absorb nutrients more efficiently. (4)

It is not about adding fat calories to your diet from coconut oil, to reap the benefits of coconut oil you need to replace other fats with coconut oil.

It is also important to not go overboard and consume too much coconut oil. The studies with proven results the obese men consumed around 30 grams or 2 tablespoons.

Coconut oil is not a miracle overnight weight loss hack that will make you lose a ton of pounds by itself.

However, combined with a healthy diet and a fitness plan over a long duration of time coconut oil can help shed pounds (5).

Effective ways to use coconut oil:

Stir fry:

My favorite way to use coconut oil to make a nice vegetable stir fry with it. I will put about 1–2 tablespoons of coconut oil on a pan and add the vegetables of my choice. Sometimes I will add meat and it makes for a nice healthy meal with nutritious macronutrients needed to maintain a healthy weight.

Cooking in an oven:

Whenever I cook meat or vegetables in the oven I use coconut oil. For instance, if I cook chicken I put coconut oil under and on the chicken. Coconut oil has a high temperature before the medium chain triglycerides break down making it a great oil to cook with at high temperatures while not sacrificing nutritional benefits.


Sometimes I will make a superfood smoothie and add in a small amount of coconut oil. Usually around 1 tablespoon. Not only does this add the nutritional benefits of coconut oil, it also adds a smoother consistency to the smoothie which is more pleasant to drink compared to a watery consistency.

Hot drinks:

Coconut oil can add a nice flavor to a cup of hot tea or coffee. If I do this I tend to add about 1 tablespoon or less because if too much is added the flavor of the coconut oil can take over depending on how strong the flavor of your hot drink of choice is.

Baking recipes:

There are many different recipes for cookies, brownies, and more that include coconut oil instead of other fats like butter. These deserts are generally much healthier than the alternatives.

What is the best coconut oil to use for weight loss?

Organic extra-virgin coconut oil that is unrefined and cold-pressed.

Other types of coconut oil will not have nearly as many beneficial medium chain fatty acids that you want to help lost weight. When the coconut oil is not made in a natural way the fats are heated and loses beneficial properties. Also, many conventional coconut oils have other ingredients added that are fillers which provide no nutritional value and can be bad for weight loss.

Raw coconut for weight loss: coconut meat

Raw coconut meat nutrition facts:

One cup of raw coconut meat contains:

283 calories

26.8g fat

7.2g fiber

Minerals include manganese, potassium, and copper

How will raw coconut meat help with weight loss?

First off, like coconut oil, raw coconut meat contains medium chain fatty acids. As stated before, medium chain fatty acids have many benefits for weight loss because they are used and digested more efficiently by the body compared to other fats.

One key benefit from eating raw coconut meat is that it has an extremely high amount of dietary fiber. Fiber is essential for helping to move food through the digestive tract by adding bulk to the stool.

A high amount of fiber in a diet can also make you feel fuller, which can help with losing weight. At 7.2g of fiber per cup raw coconut meat contains a much higher amount of fiber compared to most other foods.

Raw coconut meat also has a high amount of the trace mineral manganese. One cup of coconut meat provides 67% (women) and 52% (men) of the daily recommended amount of manganese.

Manganese helps a person metabolize fat and protein. Having a proper fat and protein balance will help the body be efficient and can help with losing weight. (6)

Along with these benefits coconut meat shares many of the previous benefits listed for coconut oil. The coconut oil is derived from the meat so it makes sense that they share many benefits.

Title 3: Ways to get Coconut meat into diet:

Coconut meat can be used in many recipes. Popular ways to use coconut meat include:

  • Used instead of flour
  • In oatmeal
  • In smoothies
  • Baked goods
  • And much more! (7)

What is the best kind of coconut meat to eat?

Unsweetened raw organic coconut is the best type of coconut to eat for weight loss.

What to avoid in stores?

The majority of coconut products in stores today have preservatives and sugar added to them. Some preservatives used can cause weight gain. However, sugar is the real danger if you are trying to lose weight.

“The effects of added sugar intake — higher blood pressure, inflammation, weight gain, diabetes, and fatty liver disease — are all linked to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke,” says Dr. Hu. from Harvard Health.

Sugar occurs naturally coconut. Consuming whole foods that contain natural sugar is okay. Coconut has a high amount of fiber, which helps the body absorb the sugar.

Coconut products that have added sugar is unnatural the body. The body will digest the sugar right away and start the fat making process. Similar to drinking a soda.

When I go shopping I will choose raw unsweetened shredded coconut products. If the label includes sweetened on it, it is highly like that there is added processed sugar.


Coconut aminos for weight loss

What are coconut aminos?

Coconut aminos are a liquid sauce from the sap of coconut blossoms. It is a great alternative to soy sauce with a similar, but sweeter taste.

Coconut aminos are low-glycemic, gluten-free, and vegan. Coconut aminos generally have 65% less sodium than soy sauce and the sugar in the aminos is much more natural than sweeteners used in soy sauces. (8)

Coconut aminos nutrition facts?

One tablespoon of coconut aminos includes:

  • 5 calories
  • 0 fat
  • 90mg sodium
  • 1g carb
  • 1g sugar
  • 0g protein

(Nutrition facts vary depending on the manufacturing process and the company that makes the coconut aminos)

Coconut aminos do contain sugar, however coconut sugar is one of the most natural and easily absorbed sugars in the world.

How can coconut aminos help with weight loss?

Coconut aminos and other coconut products can increase the adiponectin levels in the blood of the body.

Adiponectin is a protein in the body that is related to fat levels. The more adiponectin in the body the less fat content the person will have.

Additionally, coconut aminos can help with weight loss is using it as a sweetener instead of other sauces. Many other sauces like soy, or store-bought sauces have many additives and unwanted unnatural sugar. By substituting coconut aminos instead of these sauces it can make a small, but meaningful effect on weight loss efforts.

One study showed that people consuming coconut products like coconut aminos helped to regulate blood pressure, lower cholesterol and decrease sugar levels in the body. (9) These factors help to contribute to overall weight loss.

Different ways to use coconut aminos?

  • Stir fry (tastes great with vegetables!)
  • In salad
  • As a marinade
  • Soups

Key factors to keep in mind when using coconut to help lose weight:

Coconut will not solve all weight problems.

Yes, raw coconut for weight loss is an effective tactic, however if other parts of a person’s diet are not handled properly then it may be hard to reap the benefits of eating coconut.

Moderation is key — Coconut contains a lot of fat. In moderation coconut can help with weight loss, however if a person is chugging an entire jar of coconut oil a day or a tub of shredded raw coconut flakes then it could lead to weight gain.

Originally published at on March 11, 2018.

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