The Over-complication of Weight Loss. (Why 95% of Diets Fail)

The weight loss industry is a complete scam.

Ray Veguilla
3 min readApr 28, 2018

We want everything quick and easy. Everyone wants a quick fix for weight loss. This is exactly what the weight-loss industry offers.

To sell products, weight loss companies have tricked people based on false promises.

The diet industry is in it for the money. They just want to sell you something.

They do not focus on overall health and well-being of you. Instead, the focus is based on ineffective “lose weight quick” tactics that tend to work for a short period of time.

Many people who try mainstream diets of eating fewer calories, lose water weight very quickly at the start. Soon after they are discouraged when they are unable to make steady progress and quit.

You do not need to buy special diet food or supplements to lose weight. Heck, you shouldn’t even count calories.

The reality is that 95% of diets fail.

Caloric restriction and fad diets can make you lose weight for a short while. But they do not help cut bad health habits.

Being healthy is simpler than you may believe.

  • First, cut processed foods.

