Published inTDS ArchiveOptimising Budgets With Marketing Mix Models In PythonPart 3 of a hands-on guide to help you master MMM in pymcJan 263Jan 263
Published inTDS ArchiveCalibrating Marketing Mix Models In PythonPart 2 of a hands-on guide to help you master MMM in pymcNov 11, 2024Nov 11, 2024
Published inTDS ArchiveMastering Marketing Mix Modelling In PythonPart 1 of a hands-on guide to help you master MMM in pymcSep 26, 20246Sep 26, 20246
Published inTDS ArchiveIs Multi-Collinearity Destroying Your Causal Inferences In Marketing Mix Modelling?Causal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningSep 10, 20241Sep 10, 20241
Published inTDS ArchivePowering Experiments with CUPED and Double Machine LearningCausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningAug 15, 20242Aug 15, 20242
Published inTDS ArchiveSafeguarding Demand Forecasting with Causal GraphsCausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningJun 28, 20242Jun 28, 20242
Published inTDS ArchiveEnhancing Marketing Mix Modelling with Causal AICausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningJun 21, 20242Jun 21, 20242
Published inTDS ArchiveValidating the Causal Impact of the Synthetic Control MethodCausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningJun 8, 20243Jun 8, 20243
Published inTDS ArchiveMeasuring The Intrinsic Causal Influence Of Your Marketing CampaignsCausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningJun 2, 20246Jun 2, 20246
Published inTDS ArchiveOptimising Non-Linear Treatment Effects in Pricing and PromotionsCausal AI, exploring the integration of causal reasoning into machine learningMay 24, 20243May 24, 20243