8 MAY — WORLD DONKEY DAY (Peta Jones) | Camel, food security and climate change on WordPress.com

Raziq Ark Biodiversity
1 min readMay 8, 2017


(See page on Facebook, where the history and suggestions for this day are given)

Worldwide (except for the US), 1 May is International Workers’ Day — to remind humanity of the value of those among us who work hard and get paid little. A separate day seems to be necessary to remind humanity of the animal workers among us, who work just as hard as the human workers they usually help, and who suffer from an even lower value.

The lovely donkey

For more than 6000 years DONKEYS have been carrying and pulling loads, turning wheels and generally laboring away to extend the work of humans. More recently they have been joined by horses, camels, and oxen, but even today, all over the world where resources are scarce and speed is less important, donkeys are still the main providers of such work.

Give them a thought; give them some appreciation. If any are nearby, go give them a biscuit!

Peta A. Jones, MSc, PhD, South Africa

Originally published at camel4all.wordpress.com on May 8, 2017.

