Firebase Phone Authentication Login With Ionic 5

I’ve looked everywhere for a guide on how to do this and could not find one on how to exactly get this done. So I guess I’ll just write about it.

The Startup


Photo by Rich Smith on Unsplash

I have to be honest. This task seems to look easy but it was quite a while for me to understand how to do it. From an Ionic development perspective, the tricky part here is to figure out the Captcha part, which took me awhile to figure out but I eventually did.

Firebase Phone Authentication was just very recently made available in my country, so I’m quite excited about this. In this article, I will integrate the Firebase Phone Authentication with an Ionic Angular Progressive Web App (PWA).

This is a simple step by step guide on how to create a Firebase Phone Authentication Login with Ionic 5 and hopefully everyone reading this succeeds in creating a phone based authentication login with your Ionic 5 progressive web app.

Read on!

Step 0: Make sure you are familiar with Ionic 5 and Firebase

Not to discourage, but if you are brand new to Angular and Ionic, it will be a little bit difficult to follow. Having said that however…



The Startup

Husband, son, father & multi-award winning app developer. 😊❤️ TypeScript and JavaScript. Ionic Developer Expert. Proud to be Malaysian. I tweet too @razmans