Writing Community

Telling More Authentic Stories

By connecting with your audience

Rachel Beyer
3 min readOct 23, 2023


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In the ever-accelerating digital world of writing, where the demand for instant engagement competes with the integrity of storytelling, writers wonder how to better communicate their narratives.

How does one navigate the growing desperation for clicks without sacrificing the authenticity of their narratives? The answer lies in telling authentic stories and forging genuine connections with the audience. Here’s how to make your writing more fulfilling by telling more authentic stories:

Confirmation Bias

To inspire more authentic writing, it’s crucial to overcome confirmation bias — the tendency to favor information that confirms preexisting beliefs. To truly connect with diverse audiences, writers must actively seek new perspectives, consider all evidence, and cultivate an open mind ready to adjust. By embracing many viewpoints, writers can break free from the echo chambers of biased narratives and present a more relatable picture.

