Ted Cruz Caught Lying About NOM Endorsement

1 min readFeb 15, 2016


Ted Cruz’s lies are mounting so fast it’s hard to keep up.

Today at an event (video at the link), Cruz said that the National Organization for Marriage endorsed him because “it cannot support Donald Trump or Marco Rubio because both of them are unwilling to defend traditional marriage.”

This is a lie.

When NOM endorsed Cruz, they made no mention of Marco Rubio at all. Here’s their endorsement. A lot of mention of Donald Trump. Nothing about Rubio. And in a subsequent blog post NOM even said this:

In fact, the Iowa campaign served to underscore the depth of support for true marriage that exists in America. Ted Cruz was endorsed by NOM, is the author of a proposed constitutional amendment restoring to states the right to define marriage as the union of one man and one woman, and is a co-author of the First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) to protect believers in marriage. Marco Rubio, who nearly overtook Donald Trump for second place, also is an articulate supporter of marriage and is a co-author of FADA.

Emphasis mine.

So here’s is iron-clad proof, that Ted Cruz is lying about Marco Rubio’s stance on marriage. Not only is Marco Rubio willing to stand up for traditional marriage, he is co-sponsor of the First Amendment Defense Act.

Ted Cruz cannot stop lying.

