The Australian National Energy Market into 2023: The Need for Renewables

Robert McKone
2 min readDec 12, 2022


The future of the Australian National Energy Market is at a crossroads. With the need to transition to renewable energy sources becoming increasingly urgent, it is crucial that Australia makes the necessary investments and policy changes to ensure a sustainable and secure energy future. However, if these investments and policy changes are not made, and poor implementation and policies continue, it could eventuate in the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) needing to step in again and suspend the spot market.

As we have seen in recent years, Australia’s heavy reliance on fossil fuels, particularly coal, has made the electricity sector vulnerable to volatile global commodity prices and supply disruptions. This has led to numerous power outages and blackouts, and has put significant strain on the National Energy Market. In response, AEMO has been forced to intervene and suspend the spot market on multiple occasions in order to protect the stability of the grid.

If Australia fails to transition to renewables and continues to rely on fossil fuels, it is likely that AEMO will be forced to intervene again in the future. The spot market is a crucial component of the National Energy Market, and its suspension can have serious consequences for households and businesses. By investing in renewable energy and implementing effective policies, Australia can avoid the need for AEMO to suspend the spot market and ensure a more stable and secure energy future.

In addition to the risks posed by fossil fuels, poor implementation and policies can also stifle the growth of the renewable energy sector in Australia. As we have seen in other countries, a lack of clear, consistent policies can deter investors and hinder the development of new technologies. This can lead to missed opportunities for economic growth and job creation, and can make it more difficult for Australia to transition to renewables.

It is clear that the future of the Australian National Energy Market depends on the country’s ability to transition to renewable energy. By investing in renewables, implementing effective policies, and avoiding the need for AEMO to intervene, Australia can ensure a more sustainable and secure energy future for all its citizens.

