Travel alone at least once: 5 reasons why your life will change forever

Rocío Camila Sirimarco
3 min readMay 26, 2019


(Este artículo lo publiqué originalmente en español en VIX, ahora Univisión)

You feel worried, even, you feel afraid. Don’t worry, because encouraging
yourself to travel alone never is easy. But the truth is that this is an experience that you must live, at least, once.

So that’s why we give you the most important reasons for traveling alone.
Don’t think about it any more. Go for it!

Five reasons to travel alone at least once in a lifetime

5. Know different cultures and ways of living

Whatever destination you choose, there is no doubt that you will discover
each place more deeply.

4. You will meet many people
This adventure will allow you to meet people from all over the world.
Fascinating and funny talks about unknown topics. A unique cultural
exchange from which you will get great friends.

3. Owner of your times and wishes

You travel, you organize, and you decide. No one imposes schedules or
itineraries. There is no reason to give in to anything. In this experience,
you build the path to follow and choose the route you want to travel.

2. Strengthen your confidence and security
When you travel without friends or partners, you are the only one
responsible for yourself. And although at first, that may give you a bit of
fear, I assure you that there is nothing better than this. Yes, nothing
better than becoming aware of your courage and force.

1. Above all, it will be an experience in which you can connect with

Simple to understand. It is a journey into your heart. With this trip, you
will be able to know your wishes better and determine where you want to

Traveling alone is a chance that these times give us to overcome taboos
and prejudices. According to a study by the Havard Business Review, the
number of women traveling alone has increased by 230% in the last ten

Let’s not say more! Take advantage of your free time and organize your
next adventure. It’s time to enjoy your freedom. Don’t forget: traveling
alone is one of the most beautiful moments that anyone could ever

That’s a fact. You will not regret it (I tell you from personal experience).

