Android: Migrate from kapt to KSP

Chaitanya Reddy
2 min readSep 21, 2023


Kapt (the Kotlin Annotation Processing Tool) allows you to use Java annotation processors with Kotlin code, even if those processors don’t have specific support for Kotlin. This is done by generating Java stubs from your Kotlin files that the processors can then read. This stub generation is an expensive operation and has a significant impact on build speed.

KSP (Kotlin Symbol Processing) is a Kotlin-first alternative to kapt. KSP analyzes Kotlin code directly, which is up to 2x faster. It also has a better understanding of Kotlin’s language constructs.

Kapt is now in maintenance mode, and we recommend migrating from kapt to KSP wherever possible. In most cases, this migration only requires changes to your project’s build configuration.

Migration steps:

Step 1: Check the kapt libraries that you are using in your project

Step 2: Check the KSP library available. You can check the list of supported libraries in the documentation

Step 3: Add KSP plugin to your project

First, declare the KSP plugin in your top level build.gradle.kts file. Make sure that you choose a KSP version aligned with your project's Kotlin version. You can find a list of releases on the KSP GitHub page.

// Top level build.gradle

plugins {
id("") version "1.8.10-1.0.9" apply false
// Module level build.gradle
plugins {

Step 4: Replace kapt library with KSP

dependencies {
kapt("") // Remove this line
ksp("") // Add this line

Step 5: Sync build and make sure build working

Step 6: Remove kapt plugin from gradle files

plugins {
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt") // Remove this line




Chaitanya Reddy

Senior Engineer | Android | Jetpack Compose | Kotlin | Android AOSP | Multi Platform | Wear OS