How to Select the Right Logistics Service Provider.

Rcpl Logistic Pvt Ltd
3 min readMar 20, 2018


As logistics service provider are in charge of storing and delivering goods start point to end point safe & secure, your business’ success is linked to their quality and reliability.

Yet the choice of the right forwarding partner can be a daunting task.

So, how do you choose a good logistics service provider, and ensure your company is working with a legitimate and trustworthy partner? Here are the best tips to guide you in your selection of a good logistics company, so you can be sure you’re making a good step ahead:

1. Be Clear What Your business logistics service needs.

The first step in selecting the best matching forwarding service for your business is to define what your needs are. Determine the types of services you would like to have, the modes of transportation and the average volume of shipments. This basic information is crucial for your selection and for the forwarder’s ability to judge if they can do the job for you.

2. See If the Logistics Company Meets Your Requirements

Once you clarify internally the specification of your forwarding needs, it’s time to do your homework. You have to research a few viable forwarding services in detail, checking whether they offer the type of services at the needed quality that you require.

3. Assess the Logistics Service Provider Experience and Credentials

When you identify a good forwarding service that meets your basic requirements, you need to check if it can truly deliver what it promises. Has it worked with your type of cargo? Do you trust it to know how to handle your goods and to prevent problems? If it has enough experience, it would be able to tackle unforeseen difficulties, such as strikes and shutdowns, rerouting cargo or customs problems. You need to be sure that it has the know-how, so requiring references is a good idea.

4. Check If Your Partner Is Properly Bonded

Besides practical experience, it’s important that your freight forwarder is financially stable. You certainly wouldn’t like to end up with delayed transportation because of its financial troubles or even default. That’s why it’s a wise idea to check if your forwarder is properly bonded. Forwarders are required to obtain a freight broker bond to get their operating authority. The bond is issued only after a complete assessment of financial status. Plus, it guarantees you compensation in case they do run into trouble.

5. Inquire about the Forwarder’s Network

The company handling your cargo may be great, but if it is not well-connected with other forwarders and transportation companies, it might still not be able to deliver the services you need. Make sure that the forwarder you choose has a wide network of agents and partners within the India, Check out their carrier contracts — the more diverse and numerous they are, the safer its operations are.

6. Test the Quality of the Customer Service

Last, but not least, you need to make sure your logistics service provider company knows how to communicate well with its customers. Even before you start using its services, you can judge its customer service quality. For example, if you have to speak to a few people to handle one question, or you have to wait long on the line, these signs are definitely troubling. The level of service you receive is crucial, especially if there is a problem with your shipments, so don’t settle for an inferior choice.

What is your experience with selecting a freight forwarder? What did you look out for? Please share in the comments below.



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