What’s Distracting You From Your Goals?

Just because you’re making movement, does not mean you’re making progress

Richard Poutier
2 min readApr 23, 2020


This shit is hard. 3 weeks ago, I set a very lofty goal for myself. It was plain and simple and I put it out for the world to see. The hard part is not the 5 things that I said I would do every day, the hard part is all the new things that I want to add to my plate. Since setting these goals, I keep wanting to add more and more to my list so that I can be even more productive than I originally anticipated. But at the end of the day, the main reason that I’ve slipped up on some days has been because I’m trying too much and don’t hit my base standards.

This magic formula that everyone talks about (discipline and consistency) is very powerful. But truth be told, I’ve strayed from it without recognition until right now. In being discipline and consistent with your daily goals, you start to feel a sense of empowerment. You start to feel that you’re working hard, and with that hard work, you can add more to your plate, so naturally you do. But this immediately takes away from your goals. Why? Because of discipline. Having discipline is synonymous with having focus. So the second you start adding more to your plate, you lose focus on those original goals. Even if you still have every intention of hitting those goals, adding more to your plate means less time disciplining yourself in one area. So what should you do?

Great question, and to be honest I don’t really know, I’m only 24, I’m not a wizard. I only say wizard because I’m thinking of Dumbledore and he seemed pretty wise. Anyway, I feel seasoned enough to at least recognize this flaw in my thought process. There’s really only one thing that I think I should do. Cut back. Go back to my grass roots, re-establish my goals, and get on a one-way road through a tunnel until I hit them. That’s ALL that matters. I, nor you, cannot let the fog and distractions get in your way of reaching your goals. So this evening, I leave you with a question. What’s distracting you from hitting your goals every day and what are you gonna do about it?

If you have time, I highly recommend taking the time to consume this video. I’ve been listening to Will Smith since 2014 and he is very well spoken. Enjoy.



Richard Poutier

I like building great products that users love. Welcome to my lil writing corner :) Follow me on Instagram @PoutierPhotography