Who Is My Master?

Dr Ramesh C Raina
5 min readSep 30, 2021


The most important constituent of your body is your brain. This chapter throws light on the brain and its working. The human brain is the data or thought-processing unit of the body. Various types of thoughts, information, ideas, and audio-visual content are known as “vibrating energies” or “Shakti” in Sanskrit. I have used Shakti in place of vibrating energies in this chapter.

The brain receives various types of “Shakti’ at different frequencies from various parts of the body and processes them. It is your master, which drives your body parts and triggers you to perform all types of good or bad tasks. The various forms of Shakti are termed as consciousness, imagination, thinking, judgment, perception, language, memory, emotion, and instinct. These forms of Shakti constitute the characteristics of your brain.

Your body has five input devices through which various forms of Shakti enter your brain. These input devices are your senses namely eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and skin. Your brain receives audio signals from ears, visuals, and texts from your eyes, taste from your tongue, and feelings from your skin.

Your brain itself performs all major functions like processing, memorizing, recalling, and other quantitative and qualitative functions. Various hypothetical terms are associated with the brain. These attributes of the brain are mind, intelligence or intellect, thinking, ego, etc.

These terms have created confusion in the world. Psychologists have further divided the mind into conscious, subconscious, super-conscious, and unconscious categories. I am personally against these complex terms and categorizations. I will explain the functioning of your brain easily so that you get benefited and it helps you in your transformation.

Before moving ahead with the functioning of the brain, let me first explain various parts of the brain as per biology. You might have read about the brain but my purpose is to make you aware of its functioning and relationships it has with other body organs.

It is the nervous system that connects your brain to other body parts. It gets commands from various body parts and processes their requests. The largest part of your brain is called the cerebrum. The brain constitutes of three sections known as the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. Each section has cavities that are filled with fluids called ventricles.

The complex thoughts are seated in the cerebral cortex. The cerebral cortex is the outermost layer of the cerebrum. It has four lobes: the frontal, parietal, temporal, and occipital lobes. The occipital lobe processes visual information and is situated at the back of the skull. The temporal lobe processes sound and languages.

The Temporal lobe has two parts; one is the hippocampus and the second one is the amygdala. Hippocampus’s role is to memorize and the role of the amygdala is to process emotion-related information. The parietal lobe integrates input from different senses and is important for spatial orientation and navigation.

The lower part of the cerebrum is known as the brain stem. The primary function of the brainstem is to transport information between the brain and the body. It performs critical functions in controlling the heart, breathing, and consciousness.

Two more important components of your brain are the thalamus and hypothalamus. These are placed between the cerebrum and brainstem. The thalamus relays sensory and motor signals to the cortex and is involved in regulating consciousness, sleep, and alertness.

The human brain is the largest brain of all vertebrates relative to body size. A normal human brain weighs around 1.5 kilograms. The average male brain has more brain volume than females. The human brain contains about 86 billion neuron or cells. The neurons are called the gray matter of the brain. The human brain contains billions of nerve fibers also known as axons and dendrites. It is also known as the white matter of the brain.

Interestingly, your brain can be categorized into two types. One is called a left brain and the other is called a right brain. The job of the left brain is to control all the muscles on the right-hand side of the body and the right brain controls the left side of the body.

As per the research, the left brain contains regions that are involved in speech and language. It is also used for mathematical calculations and fact retrieval. The right brain of human beings is used for visual and auditory processing, spatial skills, artistic ability, and other creative skills.

In the entire nervous system, there are two types of cells; one is the neurons and the other is non-neurons. The function of neurons is to send signals. The other non-neurons support the neurons to function. The function of neurons is to send and receive information. Each neuron is connected with other cells through dendrites.

The small space, approximately a billionth of an inch is termed a synapse. A signal that is an electrical impulse, moves down an axon toward the synapse. It stimulates the production of molecules, called neurotransmitters.

On average, you have 100 trillion cells in your body. To keep these cells healthy and working efficiently, they need a constant environment and temperature. The normal body temperature is 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. With a little variation in the body temperature, your body falls sick. The brain component hypothalamus acts as the body’s thermostat. It maintains the constant temperature of the body irrespective of the outside temperature.

The food that you eat has an important relationship with your brain. The brain requires a constant supply of energy in the form of glucose for its smooth and efficient operation. It is obtained from different foods that are rich in carbohydrates.

The daily carbohydrates are rice, flour, potato, bread, etc. When you eat carbohydrate-rich food, it is processed in the digestive system and is finally broken down into glucose. The glucose or blood sugar is circulated in the bloodstream and reaches all the cells in the body including the neurons in your brain.

The brain tissues require 10 times as much blood supply to stay healthy as compared to the muscle tissues. The brain does not store glucose for later use as is stored by the muscles. Glucose is very important for the functioning of the brain. Without it, the brain would lack the energy to transmit messages between neurons.

The brain also needs protein to remember, analyze, and think. The neurotransmitters are produced from proteins. Whatever you eat is processed first by the digestive system and later it is fed to the required organs. Lack of vitamins is usually associated with depression, intellectual impairment, and psychosis.

Until now, you have learned about various parts of the brain and you have understood its functioning. You are now aware of the working of each part and how it contributes to the functioning of the brain.

It is now important to know about brain development. Brain development is the ability of your brain to attend, perceive, observe, remember, imagine, think and solve problems. Your brain can also grow your intelligence, language, and knowledge. It has been seen that these abilities keep on changing, growing, and maturing with age. The abilities of the brain, however, start to decline in old age.

This story is part of my recently Published Book on Amazon “ Ignorance To Awareness”. Please Visit my website www.rcraina.com to read this book.



Dr Ramesh C Raina

Author, Mentor, & Speaker. I am an ardent follower of ancient Indian Vedic Sciences. I am on a mission to trained 200000 Conscious Digital Coaches. rcraina.com