Announcing Abubakar Nur Khalil as Recursive Capital’s CEO

Recursive Capital
Recursive Capital
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2021

We are happy to announce Abubakar Nur Khalil as the new Chief Executive Officer at Recursive. He will be expanding his current role as CTO to include the duties of CEO.

About Abubakar Nur Khalil

Abubakar Nur Khalil (aka Zero-1729 on Github) is a 22-year-old self-taught Programmer and Bitcoin core contributor. He originally started out contributing to Bitcoin core in 2019 with his first pull request (at aged 20), and has reviewed over 60 pull requests in 2021 alone, and increased his total number of merged pull requests (leading the African continent with the highest number of contributions to Bitcoin core).

He also had the privilege of being the first Nigerian recipient of the Human Rights Foundation (HRF) Bitcoin Development Fund grant for work on Bitcoin wallet development. Recently, along with fellow Bitcoiners, launched Qala with the aim of training the next generation of Bitcoin and LN developers on the African continent.

For more info about his journey and work on Bitcoin, check out his interviews with Michael Nnaji on his Cowries Podcast and Ian Gaines on the Black Bitcoin Billionaire’s series The Nature of Sovereignty.

He was also recently announced as one of four board members of the ₿Trust, where they’ll be focusing on Bitcoin development efforts and growing the Bitcoin ecosystem in Africa initially, and subsequently other regions in the Global South such as India.

Besides his contributions to open source projects, work with Qala and now ₿Trust, he heads Recursive Research — our research and development wing. His versatility is also worth mentioning, as he contributes to the Fund’s articles, authors our Bitcoin investment thesis, manages our sites and in-house data analytics dashboard, he has no doubt shown capacity to ensure the fund optimally executes its fiduciary duties to our investors.

Role as CTO

In his current capacity as CTO, Abubakar has played a pivotal role in using technology to innovate the Fund and sieving through proposals via assessing their technical viability and potential using in-house metrics. Given his adept abilities in this regard, we believe it is only rational for him to maintain the position of CTO.

Our recent Bitnob deal and his ongoing work to develop a non-custodial Bitcoin wallet is also a testament to the work and dedication he continues to showcase in seeking and closing deals that best match our investment profile while contributing to the ecosystem.

At Recursive, we are results-driven and value hard work. We understand that change cannot come from doing the same thing and expecting different outcomes, it requires bold steps and calculated actions. Therefore, it is only appropriate to harness his versatility and deft ability to learn on the job to bring about the sort of progress we are seeking to bring to the Bitcoin ecosystem in Africa.

Moving Forward

In his new role as CEO — with the guidance and support from more mature and experienced advisors and investors at Recursive Capital — Abubakar will be engaging with industry Venture Capital firms and leaders; seeking out ventures, partnerships, and co-investments that are consonant with our Bitcoin thesis.

The future ahead is bright and with Abubakar at the helm, along with the rest of the team, we will accelerate our aim of “transforming Africa’s emerging digital economy to unlock new economic opportunities”, by seeking out talent and fostering technological innovation in the Bitcoin ecosystem in Africa.

