Final Classes and the Power of Composition in PHP

rahul chavan
2 min readMar 22, 2024


In object-oriented programming (OOP), the concept of inheritance allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. While inheritance can be powerful, it can also lead to tight coupling and fragile base class problems. PHP, like many other languages, offers the final keyword to prevent inheritance, promoting composition over inheritance. In this article, we'll explore how final classes, combined with the power of composition, can lead to more robust and flexible code in PHP.

Understanding Final Classes

In PHP, a class declared as final cannot be subclassed, meaning it cannot have child classes. This prevents developers from extending or modifying the behavior of the final class through inheritance. Let's consider an example:

final class Logger {
public function log($message) {
echo "Logging: {$message}".PHP_EOL;

In this example, the Logger class is declared as final, indicating that it cannot be extended. This is particularly useful for classes representing utilities, services, or components where extending the behavior is unnecessary or even detrimental.

Leveraging Composition

Composition is an alternative to inheritance where objects are composed of other objects, allowing for greater flexibility and reusability. In PHP, composition can be achieved by creating classes that contain instances of other classes as members. Let’s see how we can apply composition in conjunction with final classes:

class UserService {

public function __construct(private Logger $logger) {


public function registerUser(string $username, string $password) {
// Register user logic here
$this->logger->log("User '{$username}' registered.");

In this example, the UserService class uses composition to include a Logger instance. By injecting the Logger instance through the constructor, the UserService class can utilize the logging functionality without inheriting from the Logger class. This promotes loose coupling and enables easier testing and swapping of dependencies.

Benefits of Final Classes and Composition

  1. Encapsulation: Final classes encapsulate their behavior, preventing unintended modifications or extensions. This helps maintain a clear and consistent API.
  2. Flexibility: Composition allows for greater flexibility in constructing complex objects by combining smaller, reusable components. This promotes code reuse and modularity.
  3. Testability: Final classes, combined with composition, result in code that is easier to test. Dependencies can be mocked or replaced with stubs, facilitating unit testing and reducing the reliance on external resources.
  4. Robustness: By embracing composition over inheritance and using final classes judiciously, developers can create codebases that are less prone to the pitfalls of inheritance, such as the fragile base class problem.


In PHP, final classes and composition offer powerful tools for building flexible, maintainable, and robust applications. By leveraging final classes to prevent inheritance and composition to assemble complex objects, developers can create code that is easier to understand, test, and maintain. While inheritance has its place, particularly for modeling “is-a” relationships, final classes and composition provide a compelling alternative that promotes code reuse, encapsulation, and flexibility.

