Simplifying Service Definitions with #[AutowireInline] in Symfony

rahul chavan
1 min readMay 5, 2024


Symfony offers a powerful dependency injection system that simplifies managing dependencies in your applications. Autowiring is a core feature that automatically injects dependencies based on type hints. However, defining services directly within the class definition was not possible until Symfony 7.1.

This article explores a new feature in Symfony — the #[AutowireInline] attribute. This attribute,aims to streamline service definitions by allowing you to define them directly within your class definition.

What is #[AutowireInline]?

#[AutowireInline] is a attribute that allows you to define a service directly within the class it's used in. This eliminates the need for separate service configuration files like services.yaml or services.xml.

Here’s an example of how it work:

With #[AutowireInline], Symfony can automatically create a service definition and inject the required dependencies during instantiation.

Benefits of #[AutowireInline]

  • Improved code readability: Defining services alongside the class that uses them keeps related code together, improving maintainability.
  • Reduced configuration: Eliminates the need for separate service configuration files, making your application configuration more concise.
  • Better maintainability: Changes to dependencies become more apparent when defined within the class itself.


#[AutowireInline] offers a promising approach to simplify service definitions in Symfony.It demonstrates the continuous evolution of Symfony towards improving developer experience.

