Published inRasa BlogConnect Your Rasa AI Assistant to Amazon AlexaIf you just want to see the code, the GitHub repo is here.Mar 2, 2020Mar 2, 2020
Help! I can’t reproduce a machine learning project!Have you ever sat down with the code and data for an existing machine learning project, trained the same model, checked your results… and…Oct 28, 2019Oct 28, 2019
Published inTowards Data ScienceBeating State of the Art by Tuning BaselinesEvaluating ML models by comparing to a baseline is popular, but how do we know if that baseline is as good as it could be?Jun 20, 20192Jun 20, 20192
Published inTowards Data ScienceEvaluating Text Output in NLP: BLEU at your own riskOne question I get fairly often from folks who are just getting into NLP is how to evaluate systems when the output of that system is text…Jan 15, 201911Jan 15, 201911
Published inWe’ve moved to four data science skills I didn’t learn in grad school (and how to learn them!)Before I get to the meat of this post, I want to make one thing super clear: you do not need a graduate degree to be a data scientist…Feb 9, 201815Feb 9, 201815