Learn JavaScript With Me-II

Understanding JavaScript(JS) Data Types

Rahul Kumar Das
1 min readAug 5, 2022

Day -2 of the javascript series & today we’ll be learning about data types.

if you are new to this series check the previous part - (link)

Data types tell your computer about the type of data you're working with.

Whether it’s a number, a strung, a decimal, or complex types such as objects, arrays, etc.

In many high-level programming languages, it is advised to specify the type of data at the time of the declaration. Since javascript is a dynamic programming language you don’t need to specify the data type of any variable.

Primitive Data types

Primitive data types are the type of data that contain a single value.

Ex: Numbers, strings, boolean, etc.

Non Primitive Data types

Non-primitive data types are the type of data that contain a collection

of values. Ex: Arrays, Objects, etc.

Next part — (link)

