A response to those who say Da Hongfei doesn’t discuss NEO’s development enough

Dylan Grabowski
2 min readNov 16, 2018


NEO was initially designed to be expanded upon by community-oriented builders, coders, and developers. While it’s nice to have a leader, it spits in the face of decentralization. What cryptocurrency and blockchain is founded on, yeah?

Satoshi left his project after a handful of years for a reason. No one can say why, but look at the recent bitcoin cash forks. There might be some logic to Nakamoto’s disappearance.

I have always maintained the “fundamental value” cryptocurrency/blockchain projects hold, is in its developer community that build the infrastructure coin and token holders chose to invest in. For that reason, in a decentralized blockchain space, we shouldn’t be looking for progress reports from a figurehead, but from the community who are diligently building.

Where Warren Buffet could perform fundamental analysis on a soft drink company off quarterly financial reports, the best metric the cryptocurrency and blockchain space can use is the developers who focus on improving core functions of the public blockchain, plus the project's building in that ecosystem.

Read up on the creation of Antshares. The NEO blockchain was born out of a perceived need for a publicly maintained blockchain platform.

With that thesis, of course, the leaders are going to slowly allow the actual work that’s being done, to speak for itself while distancing themselves from delivering month-to-month updates.

So now you might be wondering? How am I supposed to keep up with the development of news and progress?

For one, NEO Global Development releases a monthly progress report that highlights core platform improvements, community growth via social media participants, interviews of NEO leadership, and upcoming events. (Link to monthly report for October of 2018.)

Secondly, NEO News Today releases a weekly newsletter that covers updates to the NEO platform, the work dedicated developer groups are conducting, as well as all the active projects within the ecosystem. (You can sign up for a weekly update via email, at the bottom of the landing page.)

I understand that individuals want to have Uncle Da tell them every detail about NEO and that everything is going to be alright. But the fact of the matter is, he’s not going to be able to truly assuage the NEO investor.

The developers and projects building on the NEO platform are the folks doing the real work alongside the original founders and should be the signals from which we draw our conclusions.

Could NEO leadership have a better presence on Reddit? Yes.

But that doesn’t mean the resources are available to those who fear a lack of progress because an AMA isn’t hosted every other month, or a daily tweet from Hongfei.

As with all things worth having in life, patience, determination, and effort are prerequisites to anything of value worth earning.

If you’re concerned about any of these things, then subscribe to the resources that are available. Teams are dedicated to providing this value of information to NEO investors.

(The story was updated to remove a sentence about Onchain; Antshares was developed first, then Onchain was a pivot into a blockchain solution company.)



Dylan Grabowski

Urban planner turned blockchain content creator that maintains a penchant for rock climbing. | Think globally, act locally.