Arun Prakash
5 min readJul 13, 2019

GUVI : Zen Code-Sprint : JavaScript Practice problems in JSON(Objects) and List

If you practice all these problems you will be strong in JS objects manipulations. Before starting this have a look at the basics workouts in JS

Problem 0 : Part A (15 mins):

Playing with JSON object’s Values:

Fluffy sorry, Fluffyy is my fav cat and it has 2 catFriends
Write a code to get the below details of Fluffyy so that
I can take him to vet.

var cat = {
name: ‘Fluffy’,
activities: [‘play’, ‘eat cat food’],
catFriends: [
name: ‘bar’,
activities: [‘be grumpy’, ‘eat bread omblet’],
weight: 8,
furcolor: ‘white’
name: ‘foo’,
activities: [‘sleep’, ‘pre-sleep naps’],
weight: 3

Basic Tasks to play with JSON

  1. Add height and weight to Fluffy
  2. Fluffy name is spelled wrongly. Update it to Fluffyy
  3. List all the activities of Fluffyy’s catFriends.
  4. Print the catFriends names.
  5. Print the total weight of catFriends
  6. Print the total activities of all cats (op:6)
  7. Add 2 more activities to bar & foo cats
  8. Update the fur color of bar

Problem 0 : Part B (15 mins):

Iterating with JSON object’s Values

Above is some information about my car. As you can see, I am not the best driver.
I have caused a few accidents.
Please update this driving record so that I can feel better about my driving skills.

var myCar = {
make: ‘Bugatti’,
model: ‘Bugatti La Voiture Noire’,
year: 2019,
accidents: [
date: ‘3/15/2019’,
damage_points: ‘5000’,
atFaultForAccident: true
date: ‘7/4/2022’,
damage_points: ‘2200’,
atFaultForAccident: true
date: ‘6/22/2021’,
damage_points: ‘7900’,
atFaultForAccident: true

1. Loop over the accidents array. Change atFaultForAccident from true to false.

2. Print the dated of my accidents

Real challenges starts here


Problem 1 (5 mins):

Parsing an JSON object’s Values:

Write a function called “printAllValues” which returns an newArray of all the input object’s values.

Input (Object):

var object = {name: “RajiniKanth”, age: 33, hasPets : false};

[“RajiniKanth”, 33, false]

Sample Function proto:

var obj = {name : “RajiniKanth”, age : 33, hasPets : false};function printAllValues(obj) {
// your code here

Problem 2(5 mins) :

Parsing an JSON object’s Keys:

Write a function called “printAllKeys” which returns an newArray of all the input object’s keys.

Example Input:
{name : ‘RajiniKanth’, age : 25, hasPets : true}
Example Output:
[‘name’, ‘age’, ‘hasPets’]

Sample Function proto:

function printAllKeys(obj) {
// your code here

Problem 3( 7–9 mins):

Parsing an JSON object and convert it to a list:

Write a function called “convertObjectToList” which converts an object literal into an array of arrays.
Input (Object):
var object = {name: “ISRO”, age: 35, role: “Scientist”};
[[“name”, “ISRO”], [“age”, 35], [“role”, “Scientist”]]

Sample Function proto:

var obj = {name: “ISRO”, age: 35, role: “Scientist”};
function convertListToObject(obj) {
// your code here

Problem 4( 5 mins):

Parsing a list and transform the first and last elements of it:

Write a function ‘transformFirstAndLast’ that takes in an array, and returns an object with:
1) the first element of the array as the object’s key, and
2) the last element of the array as that key’s value.
Input (Array):
var array = [“GUVI”, “I”, “am”, “Geek”];
var object = {
GUVI : “Geek”

Sample Function proto:

var arr = [“GUVI”, “I”, “am”, “a geek”];function transformFirstAndLast(arr) {

return newObject;

Problem 5 ( 7 -9 mins):

Parsing a list of lists and convert into a JSON object:

Write a function “fromListToObject” which takes in an array of arrays, and returns an object with each pair of elements in the array as a key-value pair.
Input (Array):
var array = [[“make”, “Ford”], [“model”, “Mustang”], [“year”, 1964]];
var object = {
make : “Ford”
model : “Mustang”,
year : 1964

Sample Function proto:

var arr = [[“make”, “Ford”], [“model”, “Mustang”], [“year”, 1964]];function fromListToObject(arr) {
var newObject = {};

return newObject;

Problem 6 (10 mins):

Parsing a list of lists and convert into a JSON object:

Write a function called “transformGeekData” that transforms some set of data from one format to another.

Input (Array):
var array = [[[“firstName”, “Vasanth”], [“lastName”, “Raja”], [“age”, 24], [“role”, “JSWizard”]], [[“firstName”, “Sri”], [“lastName”, “Devi”], [“age”, 28], [“role”, “Coder”]]];
{firstName: “Vasanth”, lastName: “Raja”, age: 24, role: “JSWizard”},
{firstName: “Sri”, lastName: “Devi”, age: 28, role: “Coder”}

Sample Function proto:

var arr= [[[“firstName”, “Vasanth”], [“lastName”, “Raja”], [“age”, 24], [“role”, “JSWizard”]], [[“firstName”, “Sri”], [“lastName”, “Devi”], [“age”, 28], [“role”, “Coder”]]];function transformEmployeeData(arr) {
var tranformEmployeeList = [];

//Your code

return tranformEmployeeList;

Problem 7 (10 — 20 mins):

Parsing two JSON objects and Compare:

Read this :

Write an “assertObjectsEqual” function from scratch.
Assume that the objects in question contain only scalar values (i.e., simple values like strings or numbers).
It is OK to use JSON.stringify().
Note: The examples below represent different use cases for the same test. In practice, you should never have multiple tests with the same name.
Success Case:
var expected = {foo: 5, bar: 6};
var actual = {foo: 5, bar: 6}
assertObjectsEqual(actual, expected, ‘detects that two objects are equal’);
Failure Case:
Input:var expected = {foo: 6, bar: 5};
var actual = {foo: 5, bar: 6}
assertObjectsEqual(actual, expected, ‘detects that two objects are equal’);
FAILED [my test] Expected {“foo”:6,”bar”:5}, but got {“foo”:5,”bar”:6}

var expected = {foo: 5, bar: 6};
var actual = {foo: 5, bar: 6}
function assertObjectsEqual(actual, expected, testName){
// your code here

Problem 8(10 mins):

Parsing JSON objects and Compare:

I have a mock data of security Questions and Answers. You function should take the object and a pair of strings and should return if the quest is present and if its valid answer

var securityQuestions = [
question: “What was your first pet’s name?”,
expectedAnswer: “FlufferNutter”
question: “What was the model year of your first car?”,
expectedAnswer: “1985”
question: “What city were you born in?”,
expectedAnswer: “NYC”
function chksecurityQuestions(securityQuestions,question) {

// your code here
return true or false;
//Test case1:var ques = “What was your first pet’s name?”;
var ans = “FlufferNutter”;
var status = chksecurityQuestions(securityQuestions, ques, ans);console.log(status); // true//Test case2:var ques = “What was your first pet’s name?”;
var ans = “DufferNutter”;
var status = chksecurityQuestions(securityQuestions, ques, ans);console.log(status); // flase

Problem 9(20 mins):

Parsing JSON objects and Compare:

Write a function to return the list of characters below 20 age

var students = [
name: “Siddharth Abhimanyu”, age: 21}, { name: “Malar”, age: 25},
{name: “Maari”,age: 18},{name: “Bhallala Deva”,age: 17},
{name: “Baahubali”,age: 16},{name: “AAK chandran”,age: 23}, {name:“Gabbar Singh”,age: 33},{name: “Mogambo”,age: 53},
{name: “Munnabhai”,age: 40},{name: “Sher Khan”,age: 20},
{name: “Chulbul Pandey”,age: 19},{name: “Anthony”,age: 28},
{name: “Devdas”,age: 56}
function returnMinors(arr)