$REACH Token Utility

Reach Cloud
3 min readMay 30, 2023


Reach Cloud: Empowering the Metaverse with Easy-to-Use Tools and a Transformative Token Economy

The evolution of the metaverse is upon us, and Reach Cloud is at the forefront of enabling its expansion. With innovative infrastructure and user-friendly development tools, Reach Cloud empowers individuals and businesses to effortlessly create functional and immersive virtual spaces. By combining the power of the Cardano blockchain, cross-platform compatibility, and a transformative utility token called $REACH, Reach Cloud is revolutionizing the way we engage with virtual environments.

Building the Metaverse Made Easy
One of the significant challenges in the metaverse industry has been the complexity and cost associated with building 3D virtual spaces. However, Reach Cloud breaks down these barriers by providing intuitive tools that make 3D development accessible to everyone. Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a curious individual with no prior experience, Reach Cloud allows you to unleash your creativity and start building today.

The Reach Cloud Ecosystem
At the heart of the Reach Cloud ecosystem lies the $REACH utility token. This token serves as the gateway to accessing Reach Cloud’s suite of services, while also incentivizing users to actively engage with the platform. Token holders can exchange $REACH for hosting services, participate in the marketplace for faster listings, leverage advertising opportunities, and unlock other ease-of-use benefits. Moreover, the token enables community members to vote on incentivized marketplace listings, ensuring a democratic and participatory ecosystem.

Liquidity and Sustainability
Ensuring liquidity is crucial for the success of any token-based project, and Reach Cloud has implemented strategies to maintain a healthy market. A subset of the token supply is dedicated to liquidity, with plans to collaborate with liquidity providers selected after the initial token sale. Furthermore, Reach Cloud demonstrates a commitment to long-term sustainability by allocating 15% of revenue generated from web3 connected projects and clients to provide liquidity support for the token.

Partnerships and Adoption
To enhance the adoption of the platform, Reach Cloud has established strategic partnerships. Notably, partnering with VyFi, a decentralized exchange, to provide additional utility for the $REACH token. VyFi offers vaults, farms, and liquidity, creating opportunities for token holders to participate in yield farming and contribute to a vibrant token economy. Additionally, Reach Cloud is exploring collaborations with an education center to integrate our core technology into educational programs, broadening the scope of adoption.

Real-World Impact
Reach Cloud’s commitment to real-world impact is exemplified through our partnership with Veera Medical, a sister company utilizing Reach Cloud’s engine. They are developing highly functional 3D modules for physical therapy, revolutionizing patient treatment in hospitals and rehabilitation centers with the Reach Cloud engine. This tangible success story showcases the practical application and effectiveness of Reach Cloud’s technology in the healthcare sector.

Looking Ahead
Our roadmap includes the development of a marketplace, community calendar, and support for additional blockchains on the platform, Reach Cloud is poised for continuous growth and expansion. Our commitment to modularity, cross-platform compatibility, and ease of use positions us as a front runner in the metaverse infrastructure space.

Reach Cloud is empowering individuals and businesses to participate in the metaverse revolution. Through user-friendly development tools, we are democratizing 3D virtual space creation and opening doors to endless possibilities. With the $REACH utility token serving as the backbone of the ecosystem, Reach Cloud fosters engagement, incentivizes participation, and creates a sustainable token economy. Forging partnerships and making real-world impacts, Reach Cloud is paving the way for a vibrant and accessible metaverse for all to explore and enjoy. Follow the count down and find out how to get your tokens here!



Reach Cloud

Metaverse Infrastructure company providing the tools to build the cross-chain, cross-platform metaverse