Understanding the JOB Statement in JCL

4 min readJul 6, 2024


What is JCL?

Job Control Language (JCL) is a critical component of mainframe computing, designed to instruct the system on how to execute batch jobs. Within JCL, the JOB statement is particularly significant, serving as the starting point for any job submitted to the system. Understanding the JOB statement is essential for anyone working with IBM mainframes, as it sets the parameters and environment for the job’s execution.

Structure of the JOB Statement

The JOB statement in JCL is used to define the beginning of a job and provide essential information about it. The basic syntax of a JOB statement is as follows:

//jobname JOB (accounting_information), ‘jobname or description’, 
// CLASS=class, MSGCLASS=msgclass, MSGLEVEL=(msglevel, msglevel),
// NOTIFY=&userid, REGION=region, TYPRUN=typrun

Components of the JOB Statement

1. Job Name (jobname):
— This is the identifier for the job. It must be unique within the system at the time the job is submitted.
— Example: `//PAYROLL JOB`

2. Accounting Information (accounting_information):
— Used for billing and tracking resource usage.
— Example: `(12345)`

3. Job Description (jobname or description):
— A short description or identifier for the job. It’s useful for administrative purposes.
— Example: `’Payroll Processing’`

4. CLASS Parameter:
— Specifies the job class, which determines the job’s execution priority and resource allocation.
— Example: `CLASS=A`

5. MSGCLASS Parameter:
— Determines the class for the output listing of the job’s execution.
— Example: `MSGCLASS=H`

6. MSGLEVEL Parameter:
— Controls the level of detail in the output messages.
— Example: `MSGLEVEL=(1,1)`

7. NOTIFY Parameter:
— Specifies the user to be notified when the job completes.
— Example: `NOTIFY=&SYSUID`

8. REGION Parameter:
— Defines the amount of memory allocated for the job.
— Example: `REGION=4M`

9. TYPRUN Parameter:
— Indicates special processing options like scan or hold.
— Example: `TYPRUN=HOLD`

Detailed Explanation of Parameters

CLASS Parameter

The CLASS parameter is essential for job scheduling and resource management. Different classes can be defined to prioritize jobs and allocate system resources effectively.


- A: Could represent high-priority jobs that need immediate processing.
- B: Might be used for batch jobs that can be processed during off-peak hours.

MSGCLASS Parameter

The MSGCLASS parameter controls where the job’s output is routed. Each MSGCLASS directs the output to a different destination, such as a specific printer or spool file.


- H: Typically directs output to a specific system printer or output queue.

MSGLEVEL Parameter

The MSGLEVEL parameter defines the verbosity of the job’s output. It consists of two values:
- The first value controls the detail level of the JCL statements.
- The second value controls the detail level of the system messages.


- `(1,1)`: Minimum detail for both JCL statements and system messages.

NOTIFY Parameter

The NOTIFY parameter is useful for informing users about job completion, especially in large systems with multiple users.


- `&SYSUID`: Automatically resolves to the user ID of the person who submitted the job.

REGION Parameter

The REGION parameter specifies the maximum amount of memory the job can use. This ensures that jobs do not exceed available resources and disrupt system performance.


-’4M’ : Allocates 4 megabytes of memory for the job

TYPRUN Parameter

The TYPRUN parameter can be used to control the execution of the job. Common options include:
- `SCAN`: Check the syntax without executing the job.
- `HOLD`: Submit the job but do not start execution until released.


- HOLD: Holds the job in the queue until manually released.

Practical Example of a JOB Statement

Here is an example of a complete JOB statement:


This JOB statement:
- Names the job “PAYROLL.”
- Provides accounting information “(12345).”
- Describes the job as “PAYROLL PROCESSING.”
- Assigns the job to class “A.”
- Directs output to MSGCLASS “H.”
- Sets MSGLEVEL to minimal detail.
- Notifies the job submitter upon completion.
- Allocates 4MB of memory.
- Holds the job until it is manually released.

Importance of the JOB Statement in JCL

The JOB statement is crucial for several reasons:

1. Resource Allocation: It helps in defining the resources required by the job, ensuring efficient utilization of the mainframe’s capabilities.
2. Job Scheduling: By specifying job classes and priorities, it allows for effective job scheduling and workload management.
3. Output Management: It directs where the job’s output should go, aiding in organized and systematic output handling.
4. User Notification: Ensures that users are informed about job completion, facilitating smooth operations and user awareness.
5. Error Handling and Debugging: Parameters like MSGLEVEL help in controlling the verbosity of messages, making it easier to debug and handle errors.


The JOB statement is a foundational element of JCL, providing essential directives for job execution on IBM mainframes. Understanding its structure and parameters is key to managing and optimizing mainframe operations effectively. As mainframes continue to play a pivotal role in enterprise computing, mastering JCL and its JOB statement remains a critical skill for IT professionals.

For further learning, consider exploring resources at:
- IBM Documentation on JCL

This resource provides comprehensive guides, tutorials, and examples to help you deepen your understanding of JCL and its essential components.

