Data Science Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Overview

Anamika Singh
5 min readFeb 19, 2024


Data Science Life Cycle: A Comprehensive Overview

The world has progressed tremendously, especially in the space of big data. The current modern lifestyle has generated huge lumps of data at an unparalleled pace with certain devices and applications like websites, smartphones, social media, and many more. This resulted in storing more data, which also became a matter of concern for several modern industries. Several professionals are widely choosing data science careers to make their mark in this growing industry. Data science is an amalgamation of several various tools, algorithms, and machine learning (ML) life cycles with the main objective of unlocking the hidden patterns from the raw unstructured data.

Data Science Life Cycle

The lifecycle of data science refers to the systematic process that data scientists follow to extract useful insights and value from the generated data. This process usually consists of several different interconnected stages, each of which plays an essential role in the overall data science workflow.

Identification of Problem

In this initial stage, the problem or business objective is clearly defined. Data scientists work closely with stakeholders to understand the problem domain, define the scope and success criteria the data science project, business objectives, conducting stakeholder interviews, gathering requirements, and establishing measurable goals and success criteria. It’s crucial to ensure alignment between the business objectives and the data science objectives to get meaningful results.

Data Acquisition and Collection

Once the problem is defined, data scientists identify and collect the relevant data from various sources such as databases, APIs, files, sensors, and external sources required to address it. Data quality and relevance are critical considerations at this stage. Data scientists may also explore and assess the availability, accessibility, and legality of data sources while considering privacy and compliance requirements.

Data Preparation and Cleaning

Raw data often contains noise, inconsistencies, missing values, and other issues that need to be addressed before analysis. Here professionals use their data science skills to clean, preprocess, and transform the data to make it suitable for analysis. This may include tasks like handling missing values, encoding categorical variables, and normalizing or scaling numerical features. Data integrity and quality are crucial considerations at this stage to ensure the reliability and accuracy of subsequent analyses.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

EDA involves exploring and visualizing the data to acquire insights, identify patterns, and understand relationships between variables. Data scientists use descriptive statistics, data visualization techniques, and exploratory data analysis tools to uncover trends, anomalies, and potential correlations in the data. EDA helps data scientists understand the data’s characteristics, identify potential challenges or biases, and generate hypotheses for further analysis.

Feature Engineering

Feature engineering involves selecting, creating, or transforming features (variables) to enhance the performance of ML models. Data scientists may generate new features, apply dimensionality reduction techniques, or engineer domain-specific features to capture relevant information from the data. Effective feature engineering can significantly affect the predictive power and generalization ability of ML models.

Model Development and Training

Selection of appropriate ML algorithms and techniques to develop predictive or descriptive models based on the data is done. They split the data into training and validation sets, train the models using the training data, and evaluate their performance using validation metrics and techniques such as cross-validation. Model selection and hyper-parameter tuning are crucial considerations to ensure optimal model performance.

Model Evaluation and Validation

Data scientists assess the performance of the trained models using appropriate evaluation metrics and validation techniques. This involves testing the models on unseen data to ensure they generalize well to new observations and do not over fit the training data. Model evaluation is useful for data scientists to identify the best-performing model(s) and offers insights into model strengths, weaknesses, and areas for enhancement.

Model Deployment

Once a satisfactory model is developed and validated, it is deployed into production or operational systems where it can generate value. This may involve integrating the model into existing software systems, creating APIs for real-time inference, or deploying the model on cloud platforms or edge devices. Model deployment needs collaboration with IT and engineering teams to ensure seamless integration and scalability.

Monitoring and Maintenance

After deployment, data scientists monitor the performance of the deployed model in production, track key metrics, and conduct regular maintenance to ensure that the model continues to perform effectively over time. This may involve updating the model with new data, retraining it periodically, or adjusting depending on changing business requirements or external factors. Effective monitoring and maintenance are crucial to ensure the reliability, stability, and sustainability of deployed models.

Feedback Loop and Iteration

The data science life cycle is iterative, and feedback from model performance, stakeholder input, and changing business requirements informs subsequent iterations. Data scientists continuously refine and improve the models, data pipelines, and analytical processes to deliver ongoing value and insights to the organization. Iterative refinement gives organizations the chance to adapt to evolving challenges, leverage new data sources, and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Data Science Career Opportunities

Data Science is among the most enticing career opportunities. According to a survey, it is currently a USD 38 billion market and is believed to reach USD 140 billion in the year 2025. The experience and exposure in an individual gains by enriching their data science skills will be helpful to build their career as well as to solve complex business problems.

The annual salary range for a Data Scientist is from USD 105,750 to 180,250. In recent years, there has been more than 40 percent growth in the total global demand for data science professionals. Globally, there are many opportunities for data-based roles. If one wishes to dive deeper, then have a glance at how the career path functions.


Globally many firms can systematically leverage data to acquire actionable insights, take informed decisions, gain competitive advantages, and drive business results. Each stage plays a critical role in the overall process of extracting value from data, ultimately enabling firms and maximizing the impact of data-driven initiatives to thrive in an increasingly data-driven world.

