We're ready for your Lightning Talks submissions

React Day Berlin forecast: 🌩 A chance of snow and thunderous applause

React Day Berlin
2 min readSep 26, 2017

React developers sometimes have to deal with tough situations, but making small talk with your fellow geeks has never been one of them. Well, there's no need to discuss the weather when the scene is so lively these days — new libraries and components pop up daily and the community always keeps the machinery running. We couldn't be more thrilled to take part in an ecosystem like this, so why not get together and help it thrive even more?!

Do you have a project you'd like to discuss with / pitch to an audience but a full talk would be too much for now? React Day Berlin is ready for you, anyway.

📩 Submit your Lightning Talk

As always, all winning speakers will get to attend React Day Berlin for free. Each will also get a 20% discount for 1 friend as a bonus.

The Rules

  1. The deadline for submission is October 27, 2017, 18:00 (6:00pm) CET.
  2. The topics we’re looking for are:
    * Web/SPA development
    * Native development
    * State management
    * GraphQL/Apollo
    * Testing
    * FRP programming
    * Productions insights and case studies
  3. You are allowed to submit multiple topics. We’ll pick 3 of all proposals that’ll make the most sense in our lineup.
  4. Local developers and React newbies are especially welcome to submit. In case you need help figuring out and fine-tuning your talk, we're here for you.
  5. Each talk is limited to 5–7 minutes without Q&A.
  6. All winning proposals will be published on our website and here on Medium and also promoted through our social channels.
  7. Talks are subject to the Berlin Code of Conduct. We expect professional behavior and won't tolerate harassment or inappropriate jokes onstage.

🎟 Get your ticket to React Day Berlin today!



React Day Berlin

React-packed conference with learning & networking opportunities for JavaScript engineers worldwide. Next event coming up in Dec 2020. Hashtag #reactdayberlin.