PRESIDENT TRUMP’S EXECUTIVE ORDERS: WHAT NEXT FOR AFRICA?Imagine waking up on a Monday morning to go to work and then a stop-work email on your phone while you’re jumping on a boda...Jan 30Jan 30
"I WANT TO BE THE NEXT UN WOMEN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR"____Patience Poni Ayikoru By Agatha Rachael…Patience Poni Ayikoru, famously known as Pesh Poni Is a young Christian Law student, feminst peer educator, and a servant leader nurturing…Dec 4, 20211Dec 4, 20211
A POETIC PLAY, ONE OF THE RAREST by Agatha Rachael Akullu.On reading Zziwa Zinabala's poetic play – it raised a plethora of queries than answers. It is was a farrago of sentiments in his book.Oct 26, 2021Oct 26, 2021
I WANT TO.I want to engulf you in my hands Like a hungry python; gently, And caress you like a lapdog.Oct 21, 2021Oct 21, 2021
ALONE.My precious solitude! Time has brought you nearer, And life has proclaimed you dearer. I have now grown a height or two I'm the endurance…Oct 20, 2021Oct 20, 2021
The AFRICAN MADMANThe African madman- He sleeps in heaps of gabbage, In the rubbish pits- He picks the sugar cane’s chewed fibre, Grinds and gnashes on it…Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021
A Broken Jewelry.(A story inspired by the prologue of the political book; Is it a fundamental change? By Doreen Nyanjura and Ibrahim Bagaya.)Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021