Cydia Tweak Compatibility List For Latest IOS 14

3 min readSep 27, 2020


Checkra1n is out for iOS 14! However, not all settings are fully functional in the latest version of Apple’s operating system yet. Check out the full list of setting compatibility below before hitting the install button.

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IOS 14 Tweak Compatibility Explained

By and large, all the settings that worked with iOS 13 work right out of the box with iOS 14, Apple’s latest mobile operating system.

However, settings that depend on other packages such as RocketBootstrap are incompatible or only offer partial compatibility with iOS 14.

RocketBootstrap — an essential package for many of Cydia’s settings — has yet to receive an update. After installing tweaks using RocketBootstrap, users experienced crashes, freezes, and even boot loops.

As long as you avoid packages that rely on RocketBootstrap, you should be fine.

Fortunately, developers like Lars, Ichitaso, Ubik have already released updates for their packages. The rest of the developers hope to release updated settings in the coming days.

The list below is primarily intended for users who are currently using checkra1n v0.11.

Which Cydia Tweaks are Compatible with IOS 14?

The compatibility list is divided into the following sections:

  • Compatible: The “Compatible” section contains the tweaks that you can safely install on your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch.
  • Partially Compatible: The “Partially Compatible” section contains the tweaks that aren’t fully functional on iOS 14. We don’t recommend installing these packages.
  • Incompatible: The “Incompatible” section contains the tweaks that do not work on iOS 14. We strongly recommend not to install these packages as they can cause crashes or respring loops.

Compatible List:

  • 3DBadgeClear
  • Accelerated Home Button
  • Accent
  • AddToFolder
  • AlarmVolume
  • Arkrome
  • AppStore++
  • Batterylife
  • BetterSettings
  • BlockYouX
  • Carrierizer 2
  • CC On & Off.
  • CCModules
  • CCModules Pro
  • CCMusic Artwork
  • CCSupport
  • ColorBanners 3
  • Complications
  • CozyBadges
  • DeleteCut
  • Dragspring
  • DuplexClock
  • ExactTime
  • Externalizer
  • FastLPM
  • Filza
  • FiveDock13
  • Flame
  • FlicksForAll
  • Flow
  • GesturesXS
  • HomeKit Hub Enabler
  • Hidelabels13
  • Installer 5
  • iSponserBlock
  • Jellyfish
  • Kalm
  • Keyboard Accio
  • KillX Pro
  • Kleidaria
  • Laetus
  • LetMeBlock
  • LetMeDecline
  • Lifeguard
  • LowBatteryBanner
  • Magma Evo
  • Mega UHB IPv4 Only — iOS 9/10/11/12 — MUHB IPv4 (Mega Untrusted Hosts Blocker)
  • MobileGoose
  • MoreFrequentlyUsedEmojis
  • NewTerm
  • NoClutter
  • NoLiveClock
  • NoOlderNotificationsGone
  • NoTrackpadDelay
  • PerfectAppSwitcher
  • Powerapp
  • ProperLockGestures
  • PullToRespring
  • Quitall
  • RealCC
  • Rhino for Instagram
  • RoundedModules
  • Selector
  • SelectMoji
  • SITUM Pro
  • ShortLook
  • Shuffle
  • Snapper2
  • StatusFolder
  • StatusSwitcher
  • SwipeForMore
  • TabBlocker
  • TapTapLock
  • TheUnlockCounter
  • Translock
  • UHB — iOS 9/10/11/12 (Untrusted Hosts Blocker)
  • Velvet
  • Watusi 2 for Whatsapp
  • WhatsTheDate
  • Youtube Reborn
  • YouTube Tools
  • Xeon

Partially Compatible List:

  • Activator
  • betterAlarm
  • ColorFlow 5
  • DLEasy
  • Dra1n
  • Flex 3
  • Gestures13
  • Little11
  • LittleXS
  • NoClutter
  • PowerSelector
  • RocketBootstrap
  • Sentinel
  • Six (LS)
  • SmoothCursor
  • SnowBoard
  • SpringPlus11
  • Velvet
  • Xen HTML
  • Yakamoz

Incompatible List:

  • A-Bypass
  • Axon
  • Barmoji
  • Boxy 4
  • Cercube
  • ColorBadges
  • ColorFlow 5
  • Cr4shed
  • Dayn
  • Dotto+
  • Grupi
  • halFiPad
  • iCleaner Pro
  • LittleXS
  • ModernDock
  • PassBy
  • PerfectPhone
  • PerfectSafari
  • PerfectYoutube
  • PowerSelector
  • Rocket for Instagram
  • Sentinel
  • Six (LS)
  • Smarttap XS
  • SubStrateSafeMode
  • SwipeSelection
  • Zebra

Which Jailbreak Tweaks Have You Tested?

This list is maintained by the community and is constantly under development. Since checkra1n is getting support for A10 / A11 devices, you can expect more settings to be listed above.

At the time of this article publication, only devices with a system based on A9 and A9X chips are supported.

If you encounter a Cydia setting that is compatible or incompatible with your device, be sure to leave a comment below.




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