Me, Myself, and I: A Self-Care Poem

The Bard
Feb 3, 2023


Photo by pouriya kafaei on Unsplash

We all need time to ourselves,
To take a break from the mad rush,
And to give our minds a rest
So we can go out and push.

We need to take care of ourselves,
Put our well-being first,
Cherish our unique identities,
And quench our life’s thirst.

Let go of self-doubt and fear,
And have faith in our own power,
For only then can we reach our potential,
And to our dreams we can tower.

Take some time to reflect,
Reconnect with our own hearts,
Let go of any expectations,
And get rid of all the darts.

Grow in love and kindness,
To ourselves and to all around,
Let’s fill our lives with positivity,
And make our dreams abound.

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The Bard

Creator | Writing: Life, Money, Self, Financial Freedom, Relantionship, Technology & Health. Come along for a narrative ride.