First update of 2020

2 min readFeb 24, 2020


Dear community,

We are glad to share with you the latest updates after the release of back in December.

We are very excited about the success of the new platform. We have had good feedback from both old and new users. New investors are joining us into this journey along with the old ones from v1. During these past weeks, we had an increased volume of enquiries asking about the new website and how to transfer funds. Big amount of Reals holders took advantage of our offer and moved their tokens to the new site. This success is essential for us to due to all the hard work done to bring you the new website.

The new automatic deposit and withdrawal mechanism is working very well, being able to accept a different kind of coins and convert them into USDT. That is allowing us to work in a more stable scenario, avoiding big currency fluctuations. That has been a successful effort from our IT Team. (Kudos Javi!)

On top of that and from the functionality perspective, we set up some improvements on the Dashboard to create a better user experience.

New Dashboard

Repurchase program

Last quarter we performed the repurchase of tokens into our Repurchase program. All the information can be found here:

Our RPP tokens

As mentioned before, for a long time we’ve been looking for a better regulatory framework. We have been struggling with the platform’s legal aspects during the last years due to the difficulty for companies working in this field. Since we started we have engaged legal firms from Spain, Singapore, Cayman, Saint Vincent, Switzerland and Cyprus. We are happy to finally announce that we finally found a legal formula that will allow us to grow. This will allow us better opportunities and to attract more participants.

​Asset and security tokenisation is in its embryonic stages and remains uncertain in a regulatory aspect. This is due to the complexity of a digital model poised within traditional systems of legal and financial regulations. As such, companies in this sector do not have an easy path, but the good news is that some countries are taking a step forward in establishing regulations and laws which will bring a clearer direction for all the participants.

We will be announcing our new structure on the next blog post when it is hopefully ready.

Krabi opportunity

And last but not least, our Krabi opportunity was successfully funded as expected.

The first rental payment will be paid this week as we get the first rental incomes from the property.

Also please remember to check out our next investment opportunity which will be published tomorrow.

Stay tuned, thanks for the support.

Real Team




Building the Real Estate Asset Ledger, a revolution in Real Estate investment